Differentiating between multiple system atrophy and Parkinson's disease by positron emission tomography with ^<18>F-dopa and ^<18>F-FDG
Kuwabara Yasuo
Dep. Of Radiology School Of Medicine Fukuoka Univ.
Kato Motohiro
Clinical Neurophysiology Faculty Of Medicine Kyushu University
Sasaki Masayuki
Department Of Health Sciences Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu University
Kuwabara Yasuo
Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu University
Otsuka Makoto
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Musashino Un
Yoshida Tsuyoshi
Department Of Radiology Fukuoka Children's Hospital And Medical Center For Infectious Disease
Otsuka Makoto
Department Of Radiology Medical Institute Of Bioregulation Kyushu University
Otsuka Makoto
Department Of Pharmaceutical Technology Kobe Pharmaceutical University
Yoshida Tsuyoshi
Department Of Radiology Koga Hospital 21 Pet Center
Masuda Kouji
Department Of Clinical Radiology Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu University
Ichiya Yuichi
Department Of Radiology Kokura Memorial Hospital
Kimura Masahiko
Department Of Clinical Radiology Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu University
Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University
Neurology, and Department of Radiology, National Kyushu Cancer Center
SASAKI Masayuki
Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University
YOSHIDA Tsuyoshi
Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University
FUKUMURA Toshimitsu
Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University
Clinical Neurophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University
FUKUMURA Toshimitsu
The Japan Steel Works, Ltd.
Ichiya Yu-ichi
Department Of Radiology Kokura Memorial Hospital
Fukumura Toshimitsu
The Japan Steel Works Ltd.
Yasumori Kotaro
Neuroradiology Cerebrovascular Center And Clinical Research Institute National Kyushu Medical Center
Masuda Kouji
Department Of Clinical Radiology Garaduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu University
Kimura Masahiko
Department Of Clinical Radiology Garaduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu University
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