Prospective Randomized Comparative Study of Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Urethrocystoscopy and Urethrocystography
大森 弘之
KUMON Hiromi
Department of Urology, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical
Department of Urology, Kochi Health Sciences Center
OHMORI Hiroyuki
Department of Public Health, Asahikawa Medical College
Nasu Yoshitsugu
Department Of Urology Kochi Health Sciences Center
Nasu Yoshitsugu
Department Of Urology Okayama University Medicical School
Department of Urology, Okayama University Medicical School
MONDEN Kohichi
Department of Urology, Okayama University Medicical School
Kumon Hiromi
Department Of Urology Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry And Pharmaceutical Science Okayama Unive
Monden Koichi
Department Of Urology Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine And Dentistry
Monden Koichi
Department Of Urology Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry And Pharmaceutical Sc
Tsugawa Masaya
Department Of Urology Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine And Dentistry
Ohmori Hiroyuki
Department Of Neurology Graduate School Of Medical Science Kumamoto University
Kumon Hiromi
Department Of Urology Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry And Pharmaceutical Sc
Kumon Hiromi
Department Of Urology Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry And Pharmaceutical Sc
Monden Koichi
Department Of Urology Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry And Pharmaceutical Sc
Kumon Hiromi
Department Of Urology Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry And Pharmaceutical Sc
Kumon Hiromi
Department Of Microbiology Okayama University School Of Medicine
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