Downregulation of runt-related transcription factor 3 associated with poor prognosis of adenoid cystic and mucoepidermoid carcinomas of the salivary gland
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2011-02-10
Koga Hirofumi
Department Of Urology Harasanshin Hospital
Koga Hirofumi
九州大学 医学研究院泌尿器科学
Kinsui Hidetoshi
Department Of Urology Chiba University Graduate School Of Medicine
Kawamori Hiroyuki
Division Of Cardiovascular Medicine Department Of Internal Medicine Kobe University Graduate School
Hirata Kenichi
Division Of Cardiovascular Medicine Department Of Internal Medicine Kobe University Graduate School
Konaka Hiroyuki
Department Of Integrative Cancer Therapy And Urology Kanazawa University Graduate School Of Medical
Kamiya Ladies Clinic
Kontani Hitoshi
Department Of Pharmacology Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Science Hokuriku University
きたむら ひろし
Department Of Urology Sapporo Medical University School Of Medicine
Hirata K
Criminal Investigation Laboratory Gifu Prefectural Police Headquarters
Kubo Hiroyuki
Department Of Urology Graduate School Of Medical And Dental Sciences Kagoshima University
Kuruma Hidetoshi
Department Of Urology Kitasato University School Of Medicine
Bhawal Ujjal
Department Of Molecular Pathology Nara Medical University School Of Medicine
Kirita Tadaaki
Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery Nara Medical University School Of Medicine
Kirita Tadaaki
Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery Nara Medical University
Kuniyasu Hiroki
Department Of Molecular Pathology Nara Medical University
Kumon Hiromi
Department Of Urology Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry And Pharmaceutical Sc
Koga Hirofumi
九州大学 医学研究院泌尿器科学分野
Kanetake Hiroshi
Division Of Nephro-urology Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Nagasaki University
Kiyota H
Department Of Urology Jikei University School Of Medicine
Kuruma Hidetoshi
Departments Of Urology Kitasa To University School Of Medicine
Sasahira Tomonori
Department Of Molecular Pathology Nara Medical University
Hashimoto Kohei
Department Of Urology Sapporo Medical University School Of Medicine
Hashimoto Kohei
Tomakomai Urologic Clinic
Tomakomai Urologic Clinic
Kitamura Hiroshi
Department Of Urology Sapporo Medical University School Of Medicine
Kumon Hiromi
Department Of Urology Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry And Pharmaceutical Sc
Yamamoto Kazuhiko
Department Of Biochemistry Kinki University School Of Medicine
Department of Molecular Pathology, Nara Medical University
Yamamoto Kazuhiko
Department Of Allergy And Rheumatology Graduate School Of Medicine The University Of Tokyo
Kurihara Miyako
Department Of Molecular Pathology Nara Medical University
Bhawal Ujjal
Department Of Molecular Pathology Nara Medical University
Kitamura Hiroshi
Department Of Urology Yakumo General Hospital
Koga Hirofumi
Department Of Urology Harasanshin General Hospital
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