Reactive Hemophagocytosis in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Kobayashi Shotai
島根大学 医学部神経内科
Division of Clinical Study of Oncology, Shimane University Hospital
Kobayashi Shotai
Department Of Neurology Hematology & Rheumatology School Of Medicine Shimane University
Kobayashi S
Shimane Medical Univ. Izumo Jpn
Kobayashi Shotai
Third Department Of Internal Medicine Shimane University School Of Medicine
Division of Blood Transfusion, School of Medicine, Shimane University
Department of Clinical Nursing, Shimane University
Kumakura Shunichi
Third Division of Internal Medicine, Shimane Medical University
Third Division of Internal Medicine, Shimane Medical University
Third Division of Internal Medicine, Shimane Medical University
Third Division of Internal Medicine, Shimane Medical University
Yamauchi Yasutaka
Third Division Of Internal Medicine Shimane Medical University
Kobayashi Shotai
Third Department Of Internal Medicine Shimane Medical University
Murakawa Yohko
Department Of Neurology Hematology & Rheumatology School Of Medicine Shimane University
Murakawa Yohko
The Department Of Internal Medicine Iii Shimane Medical University
Ishikura Hiroto
Department Of Clinical Nursing Shimane University
Ishikura Hiroto
Division Of Clinical Study Of Oncology Shimane University Hospital
Kumakura Shunichi
Division Of Blood Transfusion School Of Medicine Shimane University
Takahashi Kazuo
Third Division Of Internal Medicine Shimane Medical University
- 日本人はLDL-Cの高い方が長生きする (特集 コレステロールを多方面から考える)
- 会頭講演 日本人の脳卒中のエビデンス--無症候性脳梗塞から急性期脳卒中,地域連携まで (第107回日本内科学会講演会(2010年))
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- 無症候性脳梗塞に対する桂枝茯苓丸の3年間投与後の効果
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- 脳卒中診療の現状と今後の課題 (特集 脳卒中診療の新しい展開)
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- 患者に求められる総合内科専門医
- わが国における脳卒中治療の現状 (特集 脳卒中診療の最前線)
- 脳神経疾患 脳卒中治療ガイドライン2004 (特集 日常臨床に活かす診療ガイドライン)
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- 2-3-10 脳卒中データバンクと脳卒中リハビリテーションデータバンクの連結の試み(脳卒中(脳卒中(リハビリテーションシステム(2)),口演,一般演題,リハビリテーション医学の進歩"評価から治療介入へ",第45回日本リハビリテーション医学会学術集会)
- 日本人の脳卒中のエビデンス : 無症候性脳梗塞から急性期脳卒中, 地域連携まで
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- 序論
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- 脳卒中データバンクの生い立ちと今後
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- Autoimmune Neutropenia
- Lupus Retinopathy Associated with a High IFN-α Level in the Cerebrospinal Fluid
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- Hemophagocytic Syndrome
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