Position-Velocity-Based Trajectory Control for Manipulator and Its Application to Visual Tracking System
Keio University
Purwanto Djoko
Keio University
Ohnishi Kouhei
Keio Univ.
Ohnishi Kouhei
Faculty Of Science And Technology Keio University
Ohnishi Kouhei
Division Of Gastroenterology And Hematology/oncology Department Of Medicine Asahikawa Medical Colleg
MURAKAMI Toshiyuki
Keio University
- Delay-Independent L_2 Stability of Four-Channel Bilateral Teleoperators with Damping Injection
- Visual Feedback Using Virtual Object Points In Stereo Vision Based Manipulator
- Performance Analysis of a Three-Channel Control Architecture for Bilateral Teleoperation with Time Delay
- Position-Velocity-Based Trajectory Control for Manipulator and Its Application to Visual Tracking System
- Underactuated two-wheeled mobile manipulator control using backstepping (産業計測制御研究会 計測・センサ応用,モーションコントロール全般)
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- Asymmetric Multilateral Teleoperation through Scaled Consensus Reaching on Graphs
- Scaled haptic consensus and multilateral teleoperation (産業計測制御研究会 テーマ「計測・センサ応用,モーションコントロール全般」)
- Combined Use of Dendritic Cells Enhances Specific Antileukemia Immunity by Leukemia Cell-Derived Heat Shock Protein 70 in a Mouse Model with Minimal Residual Leukemia Cells
- Robust time delayed control system without time delay model based on communication disturbance observer (産業計測制御研究会 計測・センサ応用,モーションコントロール全般)
- A method to improve performance of communication disturbance observer for bilateral teleoperation with time delay (産業計測制御研究会 計測・センサ応用,モーションコントロール全般)
- A Controller Design Method for Mutually Interacted Decentralized Systems
- Prioritized Data Transfer for a Bilateral Robot Control via Real-Time Network System
- Real-time Network System by Responsive Processor and Its Application to Bilateral Robot Control (特集 ロボティックバーチャルリアリティとシステムインテグレーション)
- Structure and transcriptional control of the flagellar master operon of Salmonella typhimurium
- Analysis of a three-channel control architecture for bilateral teleoperation with time delay (産業計測制御研究会 計測・センサ応用,モーションコントロール全般)
- A new network model: infinite mode networks (産業計測制御研究会 計測・センサ応用,モーションコントロール全般)
- A Controller Design Method of Decentralized Control System
- Commutation Phenomena of DC Motor in Ethanol Fuel
- Sliding Modes in Three-Phase Switching Power Converters Control
- Traction Force Improvement of a Mobile Manipulator
- Force Control by Flexible Manipulator Based on Resonance Ratio Control
- Estimation of Optimal Slip for Traction Force Improvement of a Mobile Manipulator
- Soft Pushing Operation with Dual Compliance Controllers Based on Estimated Torque and Visual Force
- Stability Improvement of Two Wheel Driven Mobile Manipulator Using Nonlinear PD Controller
- Self Sustaining Wheelchair using Inverted Pendulum Control