Phylogenetic relationship of the genus Oncorhynchus species inferred from nuclear and mitochondrial markers
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The phylogenetic relationship among the salmonid fishes of the genus Oncorhynchus has been analyzed using various kinds of markers for a long time. However, there are three major disagreements among those studies; (1) the authenticity of the Pacific salmon group as a monophyletic cluster, (2) the phylogenetic relationship among three Pacific salmons (pink salmon, sockeye salmon, and chum salmon), and (3) the phylogenetic position of masu salmon. We used allozyme electrophoresis to clarify the phylogenetic relationship between the Pacific salmon group and the Pacific trout group. Furthermore, we reanalysed published mitochondrial DNA D-loop sequences (Shedlock et al., 1992). Allozymic data and mtDNA data indicated the following consistent results; (1) all Pacific salmons formed a monophyletic cluster, (2) chum salmon and pink salmon were clustered within those Pacific salmons, (3) masu salmon formed a cluster with other Pacific salmons and diverged first in this group.
- 日本遺伝学会の論文
北野 誉
Saitou Naruya
Laboratory Of Evolutionary Genetics National Institute Of Genetics
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Hirosaki University
Koide Tsuyoshi
Mammalian Genetics Laboratory National Institute Of Genetics
北野 誉
北野 誉
KITANO Takashi
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Hirosaki University, Laboratory of Evolutionary Genetics,
Kitano Takashi
Dep. Of Biomolecular Functional Engineering Coll. Of Engineering Ibaraki Univ.
Kitano Takashi
Division Of Population Genetics National Institute Of Genetics
Matsuoka Norimasa
Department Of Biofunctional Science Faculty Of Agriculture And Life Science Hirosaki University
Kitano Takashi
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Hirosaki University Laboratory Of Evolutionary Genetics Nat
Kitano Takashi
Department Of Biomolecular Functional Engineering College Of Engineering Ibaraki University
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