All-solid-state tunable ultraviolet picosecond Ce : LuLiF_4 laser
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1998-01-01
Naumov Alexander
Kazan State Univ. Russia
Semashko Vadim
Kazan State Univ. Russia
Korableva Stella
Kazan State Univ. Russia
Dubinskii Mark
Wright Lab. Usa
Kazan State University
Liu Z
Hosono Transparent Electro-active Materials Project Erato. Japan Science And Technology Corporation
Liu Zhenlin
Division Of Pneumoconiosis School Of Public Health China Medical University
Liu Zhenlin
Hosono Transparent Electro-active Materials Project Erato Japan Science And Technology Corporation
Institute for Molecular Science
OHTAKE Hideyuki
Institute for Molecular Science (IMS)
Abdulsabirov Ravil
Kazan State Univ. Russia
LIU Zhenlin
Institute for Molecular Science (IMS)
Institute for Molecular Science(IMS)
Institute for Molecular Science(IMS)
Abdulsabirov R.
Kazan State University Russia
Naumov A.
Kazan State University Russia
Korableva S.
Kazan State University Russia
Nakai Sadao
Department Of Electrical Engineering Osaka University
Nakai S
Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
中井 俊一
Faculty Of Engineering Utstunomiya University
Ohtake H
Institute For Molecular Science
Nakai S
Institute Of Laser Engineering (ile) Osaka University
Dubinskii M.
Kazan State University Russia
Semashko V.
Kazan State University Russia
Liu Zhenlin
Division of Pneumoconiosis, School of Public Health, China Medical University
Ohtake Hideyuki
Institute for Molecular Science
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- All-solid-state tunable ultraviolet picosecond Ce : LuLiF_4 laser
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- THz-radiation Generation from an Intracavity Saturable Bragg Reflector in a Magnetic Field
- Incoherence Effect of Single-Mode Pump on Second-Harmonic Generation
- Theoretical Analysis of Multimode Pumped Second-Harmonic Generation
- High-Efficiency Intracavity Frequency-Doubled CW and Tunable Ti:Sapphire Laser
- Internal Resonating of Second-Harmonic Wave by Scanning Fundamental Cavity Length
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- High-Pulse-Energy Ultraviolet Ce^ : LiCaAIF_6 Laser Oscillator with Newly Designed Pumping Schemes
- High-Pulse-Energy, All-Solid-State, Ultraviolet Laser Oscillator Using Large Czochralski-Grown Ce:LiCAF Crystal
- Analysis of Laser Beam Propagation Effects in Atomic Laser Isotope Separation
- Magnetic-Field-Induced Enhancement of THz-Radiation Power from Femtosecond-Laser-Irradiated InAs up 27T
- Electronic Raman Scattering of Photoexcited Electrons in Germanium
- Identification of Potential Estrogenic Environmental Pollutants by Terahertz Transmission Spectroscopy
- Design Proposal of Light Emitting Diode in Vacuum Ultraviolet Based on Perovskite-Like Fluoride Crystals
- Physical Origin of Magnetically Induced Periodic Structure Observed in Terahertz Radiation Spectrum Emitted from InAs
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- Enhanced THz Radiation from Femtosecond Laser Pulse Irradiated InAs Clean Surface
- Precursor Observed in a Pressure Driven Shock Wave
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- New Potential of a Direct Laser-Diode-Pumped Yb:YAG Laser
- Anamorphic Focusing Optical System for Laser-Diode-Array
- Design of Modified Wiggler for Higher Harmonic Lasing of Free Electron Laser
- Growth and Characterization of KMgF_3 Single Crystals by the Czochralski Technique under CF_4 Atmosphere
- Direct Generation of 27/mj,309-nm Pulses from a Cu^:LiLuF_4 Oscillator Using a Large-Size Ce^:LiLuF_4 Crystal
- High average power THz-radiation from femtosecond laser irradiated InAs under the magnetic field
- Environmental Mycological Study and Respiratory Disease Investigation in Tussah Silk Processing Workers
- Environmental Mycological Study and Respiratory Disease Investigation in Fur-processing Workers
- Experimental Study on Fibrogenic Effect of Fur Dust on Rat Lung
- Microwave Measurements of Shocked Plasma
- Reduction of Nonlinear Absorption in Li2B4O7 by Temperature- and Repetition Rate-Control
- Design Proposal of Light Emitting Diode in Vacuum Ultraviolet Based on Perovskite-Like Fluoride Crystals
- Physical Origin of Magnetically Induced Periodic Structure Observed in Terahertz Radiation Spectrum Emitted from InAs
- Teflon Photonic Crystal Fiber as Terahertz Waveguide
- Identification of Potential Estrogenic Environmental Pollutants by Terahertz Transmission Spectroscopy
- Wave Front Control of Optical Components by Laser Ablative Figuring(LAF)
- Effects of Pulse Rate and Temperature on Nonlinear Absorption of Pulsed 262-nm Laser Light in $\beta$-BaB2O4
- Response Time-Shortened Zinc Oxide Scintillator for Accurate Single-Shot Synchronization of Extreme Ultraviolet Free-Electron Laser and Short-Pulse Laser
- Fast-response, low-afterglow 4,4'''-bis〔(2-butyloctyl)oxy〕-1,1':4',1":4",1'''-quarterphenyl dye-based liquid scintillator for high-contrast detection of laser fusion-generated neutrons
- Development of Vacuum Ultraviolet Streak Camera System for the Evaluation of Vacuum Ultraviolet Emitting Materials
- Evaluation of Soft X-ray Laser with In situ Imaging Device of High Spatial Resolution ZnO Scintillator
- Laser Quality Ce3+:LiCaAlF6 Grown by Micro-Pulling-Down Method
- Optical Characteristic Improvement of Neodymium-Doped Lanthanum Fluoride Thin Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition for Vacuum Ultraviolet Application
- Ce3+-Doped LiCaAlF6 Crystals as a Solid-State Ultraviolet Saturable Absorber and Role of Excited State Absorption
- Band-Structure Design of Fluoride Complex Materials for Deep-Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diodes
- Systematic Study on Ce:LuLiF4 as a Fast Scintillator Using Storage Ring Free-Electron Lasers
- Magnetic-Field-Induced Enhancement of THz-Radiation Power from Femtosecond-Laser-Irradiated InAs up to 27 T
- Time-Resolved Pump and Probe Experiment for Wide-Gap Semiconductors Using Free Electron Laser and Synchronously-Operated Femtosecond Laser
- Mode-locking Stability Adjustment of a Kerr-lens Mode-locked Ti:sapphire Laser, Analyzed by a Recently Developed Real-time Spectrum Analyzer
- Terahertz-Radiation Photoconductive Antenna in Sputtered Zinc Oxide Thin Film
- Vacuum Ultraviolet Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Nd^:LaF_3 Using Femtosecond Extreme Ultraviolet Free Electron Laser
- Laser Quality Ce3+:LiCaAlF6 Grown by Micro-Pulling-Down Method