High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopic Observation of Stacking Faults in Fe-35 mol%Al Alloy with Ordered B2 Structure
HIDA Moritaka
School of Engineering, Okayama University
Hida Moritaka
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Okayama University
Hida Moritaka
Faculty Of Engineering Okayama University
Hida Moritaka
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Okayama University
Song Zhi-yi
Department Of Mechanics Faculty Of Engineering Okayama University
Department of Applied Chemistry, Kagami Memorial Laboratory for Material Science and Technology, Was
Department of Mechanics, Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Sakakibara A
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Okayama University
Takemoto Y
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Okayama University
Takemoto Yoshito
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Okayama University
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