A Hybrid Calculation Method of Tectonomagnetic Effect Using BEM and the Surface Integral Representation of the Piezomagnetic Potential -Two Dimensional Case Study-
住友 則彦
京大 防災研
Research Center for Earthquake Prediction, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
Research Center for Earthquake Prediction, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
Sumitomo Norihiko
Disaster Prevention Research Institute Kyoto University
Sumitomo Norihiko
Research Center For Earthquake Prediction Disaster Prevention Research Institute Kyoto University
Oshiman Naoto
Research Center For Earthquake Prediction Disaster Prevention Research Institute Kyoto University
Oshiman Naoto
Kyoto Univ. Jpn
Oshiman N
Disaster Prevention Research Institute Kyoto University
Sakanaka Shin'ya
Research Center For Earthquake Prediction Disaster Prevention Research Institute Kyoto University
Oshiman Naoto
Research Center for Earthquake Prediction ,Disaster Prevention Research Institute ,Kyoto University
Sakanaka Shin′ya
Research Center for Earthquake Prediction, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
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- A Hybrid Calculation Method of Tectonomagnetic Effect Using BEM and the Surface Integral Representation of the Piezomagnetic Potential -Two Dimensional Case Study-
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