the University of Tokyo | 論文
- 10-6 イネの鉄欠乏初期応答およびその後の応答における転写因子IDEF1の機能(10.植物の微量栄養素,2009年度京都大会)
- III-1 鉄の吸収と体内移行に関わる遺伝子の発現制御機構(III 養分吸収の分子メカニズム-どこまでわかったか、何がまだわかっていないか-,シンポジウム,2008年度愛知大会)
- 10-1 GUS-staining analysis of the rice iron-deficiency-responsive element binding factors IDEF1 and IDEF2
- Synthesis of nicotianamine and deoxymugineic acid is regulated by OsIRO2 in Zn excess rice plants(Plant Nutrition)
- How are metal nutrients transported to the embryo in rice plant?
- Overcoming Fe deficiency in guava (Psidium guajava L.) by co-situs application of controlled release fertilizers(Fertilizer and Soil Amendments)
- ^Mn translocation in barley monitored using a positron-emitting tracer imaging system(Plant Nutrition)
- 9-22 Characterization of Glutathione transporter in rice
- Iron deficiency enhances cadmium uptake and translocation mediated by the Fe^ transporters OsIRT1 and OsIRT2 in rice(Plant Nutrition)
- Metabolic Engineering of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Producing Nicotianamine : Potential for Industrial Biosynthesis of a Novel Antihypertensive Substrate
- Construction of Artificial Promoters Highly Responsive to Iron Deficiency
- Directed Evolution of Yeast Ferric Reductase to Produce Plants with Tolerance to Iron Deficiency in Alkaline Soils
- A Rice FRD3-Like (OsFRDL1) Gene Is Expressed in the Cells Involved in Long-Distance Transport
- Diurnal Changes in the Expression of Genes That Participate in Phytosiderophore Synthesis in Rice
- 房総半島における滝の後退速度の予察式
- DEM を用いた山地流域における河床遷急区間の分布特性解析
- パターン認識・メディア理解のグランドチャレンジ(テーマセッション,パターン認識とメディア理解のフロンティアとグランドチャレンジ)
- EN-O7 A culture-dependent bacterial community structure analysis based on liquid cultivation and its application to a marine environment(Section VI Environmental Biotechnology)
- Dynamics and Energetics of the Lower Thermosphere in Aurora (DELTA) : Japanese sounding rocket campaign
- Image Enhancement of Low-light Scenes with Near-infrared Flash Images