Yamaguchi Univ. Ube‐shi Jpn | 論文
- Performance Evaluation on Transient Time of Dynamic Workflow Changes(Special Section on Concurrent Systems Technology)
- Differential intensity sensitivity of the ear for underwater pure tones
- Performance Evaluation on Change Time of Dynamic Workflow Changes (Special Section on Concurrent Systems Technology)
- Practical Methods of Evaluating the Underwater Insulation Effect of a Single Wall
- IS-13 Changes in superoxide radical production by mononuclear phagocytes in the corpus luteum during pseudopregnancy in rats
- YBCO-BiO Composite Superconductor for Granular-Type Josephson Microwave Detector
- Fabrication and Properties of MgO/Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_x Interfaces Using Crystalline and Amorphous MgO Films Grown by the MBE Method
- Preparation and Characterization of Nb/MgO/Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_x Junctions Using the Cleavage Planes of a Single-Crystal Superconductor
- A Multiple-Symbol Differential Detection Based on Channel Prediction for Fast Time-Varying Fading(Wireless Communication Technologies)
- Microwave Detector Using Granular-Type YBCO Superconductors
- Test Structure for the Evaluation of Si Substrates (Special Issue on Microelectronic Test Structure)
- Gain Improvement of a Microstrip Composite Right/Left-Handed Leaky Wave Antenna Using Symmetrical Unit Cells with Short Stubs(Antennas and Propagation)
- BS-1-1 Gain Improvement of a Microstrip Composite Right/Left-Handed Leaky Wave Antenna
- Left-Handed Material Composed of Planar Circuit-Type Resonators in a Waveguide(Metamaterials for Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Applications)
- A W-Band Microstrip Composite Right/Left-Handed Leaky Wave Antenna(Antennas and Propagation)
- High Q or High Effective Permittivity Artificial Dielectric Resonator in a Waveguide(Resonators & Filters, Recent Technologies of Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Devices Focusing on Miniaturization and Advancement in Performance with Their
- CS-2-6 On a Designing of Left-Handed Leaky Wave Antenna for Millimeter-Wave Applications(CS-2. 左手系伝送媒質とマイクロ波回路への応用, エレクトロニクス1)
- 49-GHz Operation of an SCFL Static Frequency Divider Using High-Speed Interconnections and InP-Based HEMTs (Special Issue on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology)
- Highly Stable Device Characteristics of InP-Based Enhancement-Mode High Electron Mobility Transistors with Two-Step-Recessed Gates
- 30-nm-Gate InP-Based Lattice-Matched High Electron Mobility Transistors with 350 GHz Cutoff Frequency