A Multiple-Symbol Differential Detection Based on Channel Prediction for Fast Time-Varying Fading(Wireless Communication Technologies)
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This paper discusses a generalized concept of multiple-symbol differential detection (MDD) and analytically derives weight parameters based on channel prediction for MDD on fast time-varying channels. At first, this paper shows that adaptive maximum-likelihood sequence estimation employing per-survivor processing (PSP-MLSE) with a single channel tap is similar concept to MDD. Next, the weight parameters for MDD are derived according to the channel estimation of PSP-MLSE based on a high order channel prediction. Finally, computer simulation confirms that MDD with the analytically derived parameters mitigates floor of bit error rate (BER) on fast time-varying fading channels without channel state information.
- 2005-08-01
Kubo H
Yamaguchi Univ. Ube‐shi Jpn
KUBO Hiroshi
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Tanada Kazuo
Information&technologies R & D Center Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Mitsubishi Electric ITE-TCL
Murakami Keishi
Information&technologies R & D Center Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Murakami Keishi
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Tanada Kazuo
Information Technology R&d Center Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
PENTHER Bertrand
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Murakami Keishi
Information Technology R&d Center Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
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