Yamaguchi Univ. Ube‐shi Jpn | 論文
- Effect of the Field Dependent Permittivity and Interfacial Layer on Ba_K_xBi0_3/Nb-Doped SrTi0_3 Schottky Junctions
- A Survivor-Correction Viterbi Algorithm
- An Adaptive List-Output Viterbi Equalizer with Fast Compare-Select Operation (Special Issue on Multimedia Mobile Communication Systems)
- Ultrahigh-Speed IC Technologies Using InP-Based HEMTs for Future Optical Communication Systems (Special Issue on Ultra-High-Speed IC and LSI Technology)
- Characterization of Ba_K_xBiO_3 Superconducting Thin Films for Three-Terminal Devices
- Preparation and Characteristics of a Superconducting Base Transistor with an Au/Ba_K_xBiO_3/Niobium-Doped SrTiO_3 Structure
- Junction Characteristics of an Au/Ba_K_xBiO_3/Niobium-Doped SrTiO_3 Structure
- Quantum Mechanical Transmission and Reflection of Quasi-Particles at Arbitrary Potential Barriers in the Superconducting Base Transistor
- Performance and Stability of MOVPE-Grown Carbon-Doped InP/InGaAs HBT's Dehydrogenated by an Anneal after Emitter Mesa Formation
- A Flexible and Efficient Workflow Change Type : Selective Shift(Papers Selected from ITC-CSCC 2004)
- Modeling and Performance Evaluation on Change Time for Migrate Dynamic Workflow Changes(Special Section on Papers Selected from ITC-CSCC 2002)
- Property Control for High-Quality Ba_K_xBiO_3 Epitaxial Thin Films Prepared by High-Pressure Reactive rf-Magnetron Sputtering
- Accurate Evaluation of Silicon Planar Doping in InAlAs for InAlAs/InGaAs Modulation Doped Structure Grown by Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Heterodyne Detection of Microwaves Using Granular-Type Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_ Superconductors
- WF-Net Based Modeling and Soundness Verification of Interworkflows(Selected Papers from the 19th Workshop on Circuits and Systems in Karuizawa)
- Complexity and a Heuristic Algorithm of Computing Parallel Degree for Program Nets with SWITCH-Nodes(Concurrent Systems,Concurrent/Hybrid Systems: Theory and Applications)
- Performance Evaluation on Worst Change Time of Flush and SCO Dynamic Changes for State Machine WF-Nets(Papers Selected from 2005 International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC 2005))
- Dead Problem of Program Nets(Selected Papers from the 18th Workshop on Circuits and Systems in Karuizawa)
- Monosyllable intelligibility improved by spectral equalization of spoken sound presented in the water : Influence of the shape of voice spectrum
- Computation Methods of Maximum Throughput for MG/SMWF-Nets with Conflict-Free Resources(Concurrent Systems)(Concurrent Systems and Hybrid Systems)