United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Kagoshima University | 論文
- 八代海産クロサギ Gerres equulus のバッチ産卵数
- ウナギ好中球の殺菌における過酸化水素の重要性
- 漢方生薬配合C-UP IIIのテラピアにおける免疫増強効果
- Isoprenoids of Okinawan Mangroves as Lipid Input into Estuarine Ecosystem
- Effect of Kokuto, a Non-Centrifugal Cane Sugar, on the Development of Experimental Atherosclerosis in Japanese Quail and Apolipoprotein E Deficient Mice
- Analysis of Microsatellite Instability and Loss of Heterozygosity in Human Aortic Atherosclerotic Lesions
- Effect of Branched-Chain Fatty Acids on Fatty Acid Biosynthesis of Human Breast Cancer Cells
- Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Inhibits Fatty Acid Synthetase Activity in Vitro(Food & Nutrition Science)
- ケモカイン遺伝子接種後のヒラメ白血球の貧食活性
- スリランカにおける地域農業発展に果たす農民組織 : クルネアガラ県における総合農協と農民的総合農協の比較研究
- 海洋性溶菌細菌 Pseudoalteromonas sp. A1-J25a が産生する菌体外プロテアーゼの精製と性状
- テラピア好中球における酸素依存性殺菌活性
- コイおよびマダイにおける炎症性好中球の生体防御活性の動態
- Experimental infections of a ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis on ornamental fishes
- Characterization of Bacillus sp. PU-T8 Isolated from Tiger Puffer Fish Takifugu rubripes as Probiotics
- Use of live and dead probiotic cells in tilapia Oreochromis niloticus
- A Virulent Cyanophage Affects the Seasonal Abundance of Cyanobacterial Picoplankton (Synechococcus sp.) in Kagoshima Bay
- Isolation and Characterization of a Cyanophage Infecting Cyanobacterial Picoplankton, Synechococcus sp. from Kagoshima Bay
- Correlation between Growth Inhibitory Exhibition and Suspected Allelochemicals (Phenolic Compounds) in the Extract of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)
- Effects of NaCl on 4-Hydroxy-2-hexenal Formation in Yellowtail Meat Stored at 0℃