Toshiba Corp. Yokohama Jpn | 論文
- 伝染性ファブリキウス嚢病ウイルスのLSCC-BK3細胞に対する吸着阻害活性を示すモノクローナル抗体の作出(短報)
- クラミジア熱ショック蛋白質60(cHSP60)および大腸菌GroELの推定アミノ酸配列の比較解析
- Seroepidemiological Investigation of Feline Chlamydiosis in Cats and Human in Japan
- 忍び寄る山岳地帯の微生物汚染--ライチョウ新鮮糞便からの細菌分離 (特集 野生動物の感染症(2))
- Characterization of the Coxiella burnetii sucB Gene Encoding an Immunogenic Dihydrolipoamide Succinyltransferase
- Conservation of Putative Promoter Sequences Located Upstream of Chlamydial Major Sigma Factor Gene, sigA among Chlamydia Spp.
- 鶏伝染性ファブリキウス嚢病ウイルスベトナム分離株におけるVP2可変領域の配列解析(短報)
- Deposition of Ge_C_x Alloy on Si by Combined Low-Energy Ion Beam and Molecular Beam Epitaxial Method
- Translational Phase Domains in the Cation Sublattice of Chalcopyrite Compounds
- 繁殖障害の乳牛におけるCoxiella burnetiiの浸淫状況(短報)
- Crystal Structure and Superconductivity in Ba_2Y_Pr_xCu_3O_ : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Superconductivity in Ba_3La_2LuCu_6O_y : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Preparation and Superconducting Properties of Tetragonal Ba_2YCu_3O_ and Ba_2EuCu_3O_ with Low Oxygen-Defect Concentration (0.05
- An Adaptive Multihop Clustering Scheme for Ad Hoc Networks with High Mobility
- The Damage Energy Transfer to Interfacial Oxide by Phosphorus Ion Implantation for Small Geometry Polysilicon to Polysilicon Contact
- Influence of Annealing on Molecular Orientation of Rubbed Polyimide Film Observed by Reflection Ellipsometry
- Defects Induced by Carbon Contamination in Low-Temperature Epitaxial Silicon Films Grown with Monosilane
- Lower Lamb Wave Resonance Mode of Thin Cylindrical Shells
- Effect of Thin Cylindrical Shell Vibration on Resonant Frequency of Cylindrical Resonator-Type Sound Source
- Postoperative Fecoflowmetric Analysis in Patients with Anorectal Malformation