Toshiba Corp. Yokohama Jpn | 論文
- In Vitro Susceptibility to Tetracycline and Fluoroquinolones of Japanese Isolates of Coxiella burnetii
- Q熱(コクシエラ症) (特集 人獣共通感染症) -- (3.細菌・リケッチア・クラミジア性人獣共通感染症)
- Material and Process Development for KrF Lithography using Tri-level Resist Process
- A Study of Cr-Al Oxides for Single-Layer Halftone Phase-Shifting Masks for Deep-Ultraviolet Region Photolithography
- The Application of Silicon Rich Nitride Films for Use as Deep-Ultraviolet Lithography Phase-Shifting Masks
- Diamond Film Formation by OH Radical Injection from Remote Microwave H_2/H_2O Plasma into Parallel-Plate RF Methanol Plasma
- High-Rate Anisotropic Ablation and Deposition of Polytetrafluoroethylene Using Synchrotron Radiation Process
- Synthesis of Diamond Using RF Magnetron Methanol Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition Assisted by Hydrogen Radical Injection
- Measurement of Absolute Densities of Si, SiH and SiH_3 in Electron Cyclotron Resonance SiH_4/H_2 Plasma ( Plasma Processing)
- Electronic State Distributions of He(ns, np, nd) Rydberg States Produced from Three-Body Collisional Radiative Recombination of He^+ in a Helium Flowing Afterglow
- Formation of CO(d^3Δ_i, a'^3Σ^+) by Dissociative Ion-Ion Neutralization Reaction
- Formation of the He_(c, d, e, f, C, D, E, F) States by Ion-Ion Neutralization Reaction of He_2^1 with C_6F_6^- in the Helium Flowing Afterglow
- Dissociative Excitation of CH_4 via Triplet Superexcited State by Collisions with the Metastable Ne(^3P_)Atoms in a Neon Flowing Afterglow
- Formation of the He(3s, 3p, 3d)States by Ion-Ion Neutralization Reaction of He^+ with C_6F_6^- in the Helium Flowing Afterglow
- Emission Spectum of NeAr_2^+ Cluster Ion Produced in the Flowing Afterglow
- Formation of High Rydberg He (np ^3P : n=5-12) Atoms by the Three-Body Collisional-Radiative Recombination of He^+ in the Helium Flowing Afterglow
- SiCl_4^+(C^2T_2-X^2T_1, C^2T_2-A^2T_2) Emissions Produced from the He(2^3S), Ne(^3P_)/SiCl_4 Penning Ionization and Ar^+(^2P_)/SiCl_4 Charge-Transfer Reaction at Thermal Energy
- Emission Spectra of HeAr_n^+(n=1-3) Cluster Ions Produced from the Helium Afterglow Reactions of Ar
- 猫の結膜炎および上部呼吸器疾病における病原学的検索
- 伝染性ファブリキウス嚢病ウイルスと相互作用する細胞膜蛋白質の検出(短報)