The Institute for Solid State Physics,the University of ToKyo | 論文
- Energy Loss Spectrum of Copper
- Momentum Densities in Aluminum by Compton Scattering and Positron Annihilation-Theory
- Compton Profiles due to the Band Electrons in Metallic Vanadium and Chromium
- Angular Distribution of Positron Annihilation Radiation in Vanadium and Niobium - Theory
- Measurement of the Compton Profile for Magnetic Electrons in Iron
- Wide-Range Measurement of Non-Impact Excitation Spectrum Using Ultrashort Light Pulses
- Collision-Induced Two-Photon Absorption of Ultrashort Light Pulses
- Two-Photon Resonant Third Harmonic Generation under Coherent Transient Condition
- Ion Oxidation of Si(111)
- Raman Scattering of Trigonal Se and Te at Very High Pressure
- Crystal Structure of the High-Pressure Phase of Tellurium
- CH/π Interaction in the Conformation of Peptides. : A Database Study
- The Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation of an Exchange Enhanced Paramagnet:CoTi : Temperature-Induced Local Moment Behavior
- Two Dilute-Mn Salts Studied by ESR at Very Low Temperatures
- Double Resonance Saturation Recovery in 2,6-Lutidine
- Grain-Size Development in the Crystallization Process from Amorphous PbTiO_3
- Observations of Low-Frequency Polaritons in Barium Sodium Niobate
- Temperature Dependence of Dispersion Relation of Over-Damped E- Polariton in BaTiO_3
- Spin-Peierls State vs Antiferromagnetic State.III.Effects of Magnetic Field
- Rocket Measurements of Auroral-Zone Energetic Electrons at Syowa Station, Antarctica. II. Characteristics of Electrons under Active Auroral Conditions