Technology Research Laboratory Shimadzu Corporation | 論文
- D-16-2 ICA Based Ring Artifacts Reduction in Cone-Beam CT Images
- Reduction of ring artifacts in cone-beam CT images (医用画像)
- A Novel Approach to in situ Proteome Analysis Using Chemical Inkjet Printing Technology and MALDI-QIT-TOF Tandem Mass Spectrometer
- Scanning Force Microscopic Studies of Escherichia coli Ribosomes on Solid Substrate Surface
- Monitoring Cellular Events in Living Mast Cells Stimulated with an Extremely Small Amount of Fluid on a Microchip
- 液晶赤外線チョッパによる人体検知
- Observation of Ellipsometric Oscillations when Depositing SiO_x Film on Si(100) Substrate Using an Electron Beam Deposition Method
- Real-Time Ellipsometric Measurement during Growth of (Al_XGa_)_In_P Thin Films
- Fast Separation of Oligonucleotide and Triplet Repeat DNA on a Microfabricated Capillary Electrophoresis Device
- Imaging of Injection and Separation Processes of DNA on a Microfabricated Capillary Electrophoresis Device
- Amorphous Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide Thin-Film Transistors Fabricated by Direct Transfer Printing
- A New Optical Imager for Hemoglobin Distribution in Human Skin
- Near Infrared Imager with a Flexible Source-Detector Arrangement and a New Detection Gain Control
- Development of μGC (Micro Gas Chromatography) with High Performance Micromachined Chip Column
- Preparation of Novel Polymer Assemblies, "Lactosome", Composed of Poly(L-lactic acid) and Poly(sarcosine)
- DNA Immobilization on Au/Sapphire Substrate Patterned by Nanolithography
- Improved Passive Cell Distributing Method for Micro Cellular Diagnostic Well Array
- Development of an All-Fluoroplastic Microfluidic Device Applied as a Nanoliter Sample Injector
- Scanning Force Microscopic Studies of Escherichia coli Ribosomes on Solid Substrate Surface
- Multiple Flow Switch Using Stepwise Sheath Flow