Shizuoka Industrial Research Institute | 論文
- Influence of Azimuth Anchoring on Bistable Properties of Bistable Nematic Liquid Crystal Cells(Structure and Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Condensed Matter)
- Optimization of a High-Performance Chemically Amplified Positive Resist for Electron-Beam Lithography
- Changes of Muscular Load with Aging in the Motion of Pulling up Disposable Diapers
- 1-7 The Evaluation of Muscular Stress of Continuous Motion : Case Study of the Motion when Elderly and Young Adult Put on Underwear(Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Determination of Pb/(Zr+Ti) and Zr/(Zr+Ti) Ratios of Lead Zirconate Titanate Surface by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Microstructure of Pb(Zr, Ti)O_3-Based Pyroelectric Ceramics HIPped with Glass Encapsulation
- Quantitative Analysis of Inhomogeneous Luminance Effect on Visibility of Text
- Inhibition and Promotion Efficiency of bis-Phenol Type Dissolution Inhibitors during Development
- High Performance Chemically Amplified Positive Electron-Beam Resist:Optimization of Base Additives for Environmental Stabilization
- PC2-2 Deodorizing Effects of Fragrance Ingredients against Excretory Odors : Physiological and Subjective Evaluation(Proceedings of The 8th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology)
- Influence of the Insertion of a Solid Plate on the Second Harmonic Component of a Focused Beam
- Measurement of the Nonlinearity Parameter in Dispersive Liquid using Focused Ultrasound
- 1X-2 LED光源の時間制御による二分視野刺激呈示システムの構築と等色関数の計測(1X 色覚・生理,口頭発表,第42回全国大会要旨集)
- 6.3 色彩学(第6章 視覚)
- 工場用天窓のアジア新興国への普及検討--ベトナムを例として
- 日本色彩学会第42回全国大会[千葉]'11報告(全国大会報告)
- 光学特性に基づく天窓の室内照明シミュレーション
- 日常生活を通した心拍変動解析による自律神経活動の測定とそのリズム
- 日常生活を通した心拍変動解析による自律神経活動の測定とそのリズム