PC2-2 Deodorizing Effects of Fragrance Ingredients against Excretory Odors : Physiological and Subjective Evaluation(Proceedings of The 8th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology)
Suzuki Taka-aki
Shizuoka Industrial Research Institute of Shizuoka Prefecture
Qiang Yi
Shizuoka Industrial Research Institute of Shizuoka Prefecture
Sakuragawa Satoshi
Shizuoka Industrial Research Institute of Shizuoka Prefecture
Tamura Hisae
Shizuoka Industrial Research Institute of Shizuoka Prefecture
Yi Qiang
Shizuoka Industrial Research Institute Of Shizuoka Prefecture
Suzuki Taka-aki
Shizuoka Industrial Research Institute
Tamura Hisae
Shizuoka Industrial Research Institute
Tamura Hisae
Shizuoka Industrial Research Institurte
IDE Junichi
T. Hasegawa Co., Ltd.
T. Hasegawa Co., Ltd.
T. Hasegawa Co., Ltd.
Ide Junichi
T. Hasegawa Co. Ltd.
Mizuno Ayano
T. Hasegawa Co. Ltd.
Nakamura Yukihiko
T. Hasegawa Co. Ltd.
Sakuragawa Satoshi
Shizuoka Industrial Research Institute
Sakuragawa Satoshi
Shizuoka Industrial Research Institurte
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