Ship Research Institute | 論文
- Numerical Simulation of Asymmetric Flow Past a Full Hull Form Under Strong Wall Effect(Summaries of Papers published by Staff of National Maritime Research Institute at Outside Organizations)
- 海の10モード指標の開発(GHG)
- 実海域再現水槽
- 海の10モード指標計算法(所外発表論文等概要)
- 海の10モード指標計算法(所外発表論文等概要)
- 船舶風圧力簡易推定プログラムについて
- コンテナ船の風圧力に関する積み付け影響推定(所外発表論文等概要)
- Experimental investigation and estimation on wind forces for a container ship(Summaries of Papers Published by Staff of National Maritime Research Institute at Outside Organizations)
- Development of a Navigation Support System for One Person Bridge Operation(OPBO) and Its Evaluation〔含 討論〕
- Wave-Induced Motions of Multiple Floating Bodies
- 6. A Consideration on the Mechanism of Occurrence of Broaching-to Phenomena
- Current Status of Development and Technical Subjects of Fuel Cells
- 2. A Study on Resistance of Shallow-Running Flat Submerged Bodies
- 7. Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flow around Wing Section Controlled by Electromagnetic Force
- 4. Study Boiler Efficiency Control
- Hydraulic Instability in Boiling Water Reactors
- 10. A Study on the Collapse of ship Structure in Collision with Bridge Piers
- OS-303 Performance Analysis of Combined Cycle Power Plant with Packed Column CO_2 Separator Using Aqueous Monoethanolamine Solution(Organized Session 3: Advanced Combined Cycle)
- Performance Analysis of Gas Turbine with Packed Column CO_2 Separator Using Aqueous Monoethanolamine Solution
- CO_2 Recovery from Diesel Engines in a Solar-Hydrogen-Methanol Energy System