Sharp Corp. Nara Jpn | 論文
- Observation of Direct Band Gap Properties in Ge_nSi_m Strained-Layer Superlattices
- Influence of Gallium Sources on Impurity Doping in Gas Source MBE GaAs
- Dual Scanning Scheme for Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Display
- Driving Scheme for Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Display with Multithreshold Method by Thickness Variation
- Hybrid Optical Bistability Using Antiferroelectric Behavior in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal : Optical Applications
- Optical Logic Element Using Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal with Electrical Feedback : Optical Applications
- Electrooptic Effect in Homeotropically Aligned Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal : Optical Applications
- Dynamic Characteristics of Optical Bistabilily and Limiting in Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal
- Angular Dependence of Transient Light Scattering in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal : L: LIQUID CRYSTALS
- Enhancement of pedicle screw stability using calcium phosphate cement in osteoporotic vertebrae : in vivo biomechanical study
- Solid State Reaction of Mo on Cubic and Hexagonal SiC
- Effect of Modified LDL on the Release of NO and PGI_2 from Rat Peritoneal Macrophages
- A Kinetic Model of Silicon Carbide Oxidation Based on the Interfacial Silicon and Carbon Emission Phenomenon
- Simultaneous Determination of Carrier Concentration, Mobility, and Thickness of SiC Homoepilayers by Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy
- Applications of a Micro X-Ray Spectrometer and a Computer Simulator for Stress Analyses in Al Interconnections (SOLID STATE DEVICES AND MATERIALS 1)
- Mobility Management Schemes and Their Characteristics for Advanced Personal Communication Services in Distributed Environments
- Probing Absorption of Deuterium into Palladium Cathodes During D_2O Electrolysis with an In Situ Electrochemical Microbalance Technique
- Control of Single-Electron Device Using Environmental Impedance Modulation
- Direct Overwriting Using Magnetooptical Trilayer Medium and One Magnet
- Traffic Control Scheme for Carrier-Scale VoIP Services (Special Issue on Internet Technology II)