School Of Environmental Science University Of Shiga Prefecture | 論文
- Rehabilitation of Urban Settlements in the Early Reconstruction Stage after a Tsunami : A Case Study of Banda Aceh Municipality in Indonesia(Architectural/Urban Planning and Design)
- Local site amplification and damage to wooden houses in Shimoenoki, Tottori, Japan, by the 2000 Western Tottori Earthquake
- Estimation of Seismic Hazard in Hikone City Based on Observation Network Data from Shiga Prefecture, Japan
- Environmental determinants of the altitudinal variations in relative group densities of Japanese macaques on Yakushima
- Basic limnological study in an alpine Lake Puma Yumco, the pre-Himalayas, China
- First investigation of ultraoligotrophic alpine Lake Puma Yumco in the pre-Himalayas, China
- Abundance and composition of the summer phytoplankton community along a transect from the Barguzin River to the central basin of Lake Baikal
- Abundance and pigment type composition of picocyanobacteria in Barguzin Bay, Lake Baikal
- ブータン・ヒマラヤ、ルナナ地方における2002年氷河、氷河湖調査活動の概要
- The budget of dissolved trace metals in Lake Biwa, Japan
- Distribution of Trace Bioelements in the Subarctic North Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea (the R/V Hakuho Maru Cruise KH-97-2)
- タイ乾燥常緑林における樹木の光合成産物動態II. Hydnocarpus ilicifolius と Glycosmis parva の葉内における光合成産物の動態のモデル化
- The production-to-respiration ratio and its implication in Lake Biwa, Japan
- なぜ木を植えるのか? : 東部タイでの「ワナ・カセート」アグロフォレストリーと人々の戦略
- Onboard Determination of Submicromolar Nitrate in Seawater by Anion-Exchange Chromatography with Lithium Chloride Eluent
- タイ乾燥常緑林における樹木の光合成産物動態I. Hydnocarpus ilicifoliusの樹体内における糖・澱粉濃度の日変化
- 北タイ熱帯山地常緑林における樹木の元素濃度
- 北タイ熱帯山地常緑林における土壌および樹木の無機元素蓄積量
- 土壌硬度と土性からみたマレーシア・サラワク州ランビル国立公園の土壌の分布と特徴
- 東インドネシア、ハルマヘラ島のマングローブ林の土壌水位変動