Research Institute Of Electrical Communication | 論文
- ASSE : A Support Environment for ADT Specification Based on Reuse of Similar ADT (Special Issue on Multimedia Communication and Distributed Processing)
- Effects of dividing frequency in filtering for dichotic presentation to reduce masking to a consonant by the preceding vowel
- セカンダリーパスの影響削減によるLMS型アルゴリズムを用いた騒音のアクティブ制御の収束特性の改善
- Sound Field Reproduction by Controlling the Transfer Functions from the Source to Multiple Points in Close Proximity
- フィルタードXLMSアルゴリズムを用いた能動騒音制御システムの消音性能にモデリングエラーが及ぼす影響
- The effect of linearly moving sound image on perceived self-motion with vestibular information
- The effects of linearly moving sound images on self-motion perception
- A further investigation into the method for active suppression of reflected sound waves based on the state feedback control
- Active Control of Sound Intensity for Suppression of Reflected Sound Waves Based on the State Feedback Control(Special Section on Acoustic Signal Processing)
- Time-spread echo digital audio watermarking tolerant of pitch shifting
- 能動騒音制御システムにおけるプライマリー及びセカンダリーパスの最適なオンライン同定
- 31a-C-6 Canonical Equivalence between Super D-string and Type IIB Superstring
- Effects of visual information on auditory presence
- Psychological factors involved in auditory presence
- Sound Quality of Two-tone Complex Sounds with Different Overall Loudness
- Perception of the Quality of Sound Amplitude-modulated with Triangular Waves
- Evaluations of TS-BASE for speech enhancement and binaural benefits preservation (応用音響)
- Adaptive β-order Generalized Spectral Subtraction for Speech Enhancement
- Bright Pure Green Emission from N-free GaP LED's : B-2: GaAs FET/LED AND DETECTOR
- Deep Levels Studies of N-Free and N-Doped GaP Grown by TDM-CVP