Research Institute Of Electrical Communication | 論文
- Audiovisual synchrony perception of simplified speech sounds heard as speech and non-speech
- Complementary relationship between familiarity and SNR in word intelligibility test
- A Method for Personalized Web Searching with Hierarchical Document Clustering (特集:新世代デ-タベ-ス技術--インタ-ネット・マルチメディア・モ-バイルを中心として)
- Agent-based Intelligent Information Gathering on Large ScaleInformation Sources
- 分散環境上でのマルチエージェントシステムの実現に関する一考察
- Effects of pause duration and speech rate on sentence intelligibility in younger and older adult listeners
- Effect of Consonance between Features and Voice Impression on the McGurk Effect
- Effect of Consonance between Features and Voice Impression on the McGurk Effect ( Fundamental Aspects and Recent Developments in Multimedia and VLSI Systems)