- Development of a Model Running Facility for a Study on under-floor Flow
- 推論と判断の等確率性仮説 : 思考の対称性とその適応的意味
- Novel Three-Axis Solid-state Micro Accelerometer with Surrounding Beam Structure
- 空気圧シリンダのための適応モデル規範型スライディングモード制御の実用的な設計法
- A Micromachined Thermal Flow Sensor Applied to A PC Mouse Device
- 上海語言葉遊びにみられる音韻傾向の一考察[英文]
- Design and Simulation of a Novel 3-DOF MEMS Convective Gyroscope
- 仮説検証過程における確信度更新と検証系列 : 情報獲得モデルによる検討
- 対称性認知科学の論点と広がり : 「誌上討論」の編集にあたって
- 対称性と双方向性の認知科学 : 特集「対称性」の編集にあたって
- 3D Structure from a Single Calibrated View Using Distance Constraints(Image Recognition, Computer Vision)
- D-12-36 A Spatial Weighted Edge Autocorrelogram for Image Annotation
- Color Independent Components Based SIFT Descriptors for Object/Scene Classification
- Novel Three-Axis Solid-state Micro Accelerometer with Surrounding Beam Structure
- Simultaneous Allocation and Binding Considering Multiplexers in High-Level Synthesis
- Reducing the Network Load in CREPEnvironment
- An adaptive color SIFT descriptor based on independent component analysis for image classification (パターン認識・メディア理解)
- New Microstructure Design for Commercially Pure Titanium with Outstanding Mechanical Properties by Mechanical Milling and Hot Roll Sintering
- 極細ハイス線材の微細組織と機械的特性
- (α+γ) Nano-Duplex Structure in an SUS316L Stainless Steel