Physics Department Graduate School Of Science Tohoku University | 論文
- Single Crystal Growth and Electrical Properties of CeRh_2 and CeIr_2
- Nuclear Media Effects on Production and Decay of Vector Meson Studied in 12 GeV p+A Interaction
- Electrodynamics of the Superconducting State in CeRu_2
- Anomalous Splitting of ^1H-NMR Spectra in λ-(BEDT-TSF)_2FeCl_4
- Growth of the Single Crystals of the Superconducting Compounds in the System with Bi-(Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Using KCl or KBr as a Flux : I-C Single Crystal Growth : I. Oxide Superconductors, Experiments I : Material Syntheses and Crystal Structures
- New Pt Complex Oxides R_2Ba_2CuPtO_8 (R=Er, Ho, Y), R_2Ba_3Cu_2PtO_(R=Er, Ho, Y) and [Ba]_x[(Pt, Cu)O_3] : I-A New Materials and Material Design : I. Oxide Superconductors, Experiments I : Material Syntheses and Crystal Structures
- Growth and Characterization of Bi_2(Sr_Ca_x)_3Cu_2O_y Single Crystals Extracted from KBr Flux
- Pre-Equilibrium Deexcitation Process for ^Dy(α,xn γ) Reaction and Angular Momentum Transfers
- The ^Mg(^3Me,n)^Si Reaction at 23.1 and 45.5 MeV
- A New Constant Deviation Monochromator for Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
- Evolution of Fermi Surface Properties in Ce_xLa_B_6 and Pr_xLa_B_6(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Specific Heat of Kagome Ice in the Pyrochlore Oxide Dy_2Ti_2O_7
- Specific Heat of Kagome Ice in the Pyrochlore Oxide Dy_2Ti_2O_7
- Hydration Effects on the Microwave Dielectricity in Dry Poly(dA)-Poly(dT) DNA(Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology)
- Observation of Symmetry Lowering Associated with the Metal-Insulator Transition in SmRu_4P_ by ^Ru-NQR(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Cyclotron Resonance in Extremely Low Carrier-Density System of Yb_4As_3
- Translational-Energy Spectroscopy of One-Electron Capture Processes in He^-H_2 and -N_2 Collisions
- Landau-Zener Model Calculations of One-Electron Capture from He Atoms by Highly Stripped Ions at Low Energies
- Measurement of Relative Population between B^(2s) and B^(2p) in Electron Capture Collision of B^ with He
- Evidence of Critical Oxygen Concentration at y=6.7〜6.8 for 90 K Superconductivity in Ba_2YCu_3O_y