Osaka Prefecture Univ. Sakai‐shi Jpn | 論文
- Mechanism for AlSiCu Alloy Corrosion
- Temperature Dependence of Gain Characteristics in 1.3-μm AlGaInAs/InP Strained Multiple-Quantum-Well Semiconductor Lasers (Joint Special Issue on Recent Progress in Optoelectronics and Communications)
- Temperature Dependence of Gain Characteristics in 1.3-μm AlGaInAs/InP Strained Multiple-Quantum-Well Semiconductor Lasers (Joint Special Issue on Recent Progress in Optoelectronics and Communications)
- An 80-MOPS-Peak High-Speed and Low-Power-Consumption 16-b Digital Signal Processor
- A 16-bit Digital Signal Processor with Specially Arranged Multiply-Accumulator for Low Power Consumption
- Finding Method of Radiated Emission Sources with Arbitrary Directional Current Components Utilizing CISPR Measurement System
- Estimation of Horizontally Polarized Radiated Emission Sources Based on CISPR Measurement System(Special Issue on Recent Progress in Electromagnetic Compatibility Technology)
- Overlay Accuracy Measurement Technique Using the Latent Image on a Chemically Amplified Resist
- CDV Tolerance for the Mapping of ATM Cells onto the Physical Layer
- A New Analytical Technique for Evaluating Standing Wave Effect of Chemically Amplified Positive Resist
- A Digital Image Watermarking Scheme Withstanding Malicious Attacks
- A New Broadband Buffer Circuit Technique and Its Application to a 10-Gbit/s Decision Circuit Using Production-Level 0.5μm GaAs MESFETs
- Analyses on Monolithic InP HEMT Resistive Mixer Operating under Very Low LO Power
- Automated Millimeter-Wave On-Wafer Testing System (Special Issue on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology)
- A Study on Mouth Shape Features Suitable for HMM Speech Recognition Using Fusion of Visual and Auditory Information
- Speech Recognition Using HMM Based on Fusion of Visual and Auditory Information : Special Section of Letters Selected from 1994 IEICE Spring Conference
- Speech Recognition of lsolated Digits Using Simultaneous Generative Histogram (Special Section of Letters Selected from the 1993 IEICE Fall Conference)
- A Continuous Speech Recognition Algorithm Utilizing Island-Driven A^* Search (Special Section of Letters Selected from the 1993 IEICE Spring Conference)
- On Reducing Complexity of a Soft-Decision Decoding Algorithm for Cyclic Codes Based on Energy Minimization Principle (Special Section on Information Theory and Its Applications)
- Representing, Utilizing and Acquiring Knowledge for Document Image Understanding (Special Issue on Document Analysis and Recognition)