Nirs | 論文
- Irradiation system and physical measurements for heavy-ion radiotherapy.
- Development of a Radio-sensitive Mutation System for the Study of Dose Rate Effects of Space High LET Radiation
- Strain-Dependent Differences in Locomotor Activity after Local Brain Irradiation with 30 GyE of Carbon Ions
- Scintillation Detector System for Heavy Ion CT
- Precise Measurement of Range of Heavy Charged Particles
- Measurements of HIMAC Therapy Beam Qualities
- Measurements of Heavy Ion Beam Qualities
- Relationship between proton radiation effect to cells in culture and that to a solld tumor.
- Qualitative and quantitative difference in mutation induction between carbon- and neon-ion beams in normal human cells
- Analysis of Mutations in the Human HPRT Gene induced by High LET Heavy-ion Irradiation
- Mechanisms of Interphase-Death Induction for CHO Cells Exposed to Accelerated Heavy-Ions
- Analysis of Mutations in the Human HPRT Gene Induced by Heavy-ion Irradiation II
- LET Dependence of Interphase Cell-Death Induction by Accelerated Heavy-Ions
- Dependence of Interphase Cell-Death Induction on LET Values of Accelerated Heavy-Ions
- Biological effects of heavy-ion irradiation on DNA double-strand breaks repair deficient mutant cell line
- Biological data for heavy-ion radiation therapy
- Analysis of Survival Curve Parameters caused by High-LET Accelerated Ion Beams, Cell Strains, and LETS
- Chromosome Aberrations Induced by Neon lon Beams Produced by RIKEN Ring Cyclotron in human lymphocytes of blood.
- Exploration of 'Over Kill Effect' of High-LET Ar-and Fe-ions by Evaluating the Fraction of Non-hit Cell and Interphase Death
- 29pZR-8 リニアコライダー用超強力永久四極磁石(磁石開発・ペンタクォーク)(新領域)