Nirs | 論文
- Effect of Heavy Ion Exposure on Cell Cycle Progression.
- Effect of Exposure of Heavy Ion Beams on G2 Arrest.
- Effect of exposure of carbon ion beams on cell cycle progression
- T cell lymphoma cells derived from SCID mouse are sensitive to X-ray Irradiation and beta-rays from ^C In DNA.
- Enhancement of cell killing by split exposure of hlgh LET heavy ion beams.
- Comprehensive study of p53 related genes by High Coverage Expression Profile (HiCEP) technology
- Comprehensive study of ATM related genes by High Coverage Expression Profile (HiCEP) technology
- High expression of DNA-PKcs gene in the brain and gonads
- Comprehensive identification of radiation-response genes by high coverage expression profile analysis (Hi-CEP) technology
- 突然変異におけるLET・加速核種依存性
- Cytogenetic study on weakly irradiated cases in Tokai-mura criticality accident.
- LET, cell cycle dependence for mutation induction and spectrum in HPRT locus
- Monitoring of Environmental Radioactivity by Imaging Plate
- New Accelerator Facility for Carbon-Ion Cancer-Therapy
- Depth Encoding of Point-of-Interaction in Thick Scintillation Cameras
- Enhanced PLD Repair by Reoxygenation after Hypoxic Culture
- Survey of external dose around JCO facility using sugars and ESR method
- Concentrations of Radionuclides in Plant Samples Collected Around the Uranium Conversion Facility Following the Tokai-mura Criticality Accident.
- Levels of β-ray Emitters in Plant Samples Collected around the Uranium Conversion Facility after the Criticality Accident in Tokai-mura
- Effect of Microgravity on the Cell Recovery of Escherichia coli Pre-Irradiated by Carbon Ion Beams