National Tsing Hua Univ. Hsinchu Twn | 論文
- Field Emission Improvement from Pillar Array of Aligned Carbon Nanotubes
- Improvement of Breakdown Field of Carbon Nanotubes by a Ti-Capping Layer on Catalyst Nanopaticles
- Constraining the Direction of Carbon Nanotubes by Oxide Capping Layer
- Improved Field-Emission Properties of Carbon Nanotube Field-Emission Arrays by Controlled Density Growth of Carbon Nanotubes
- Fabrication and Characterization of Lateral Field Emission Device Based On Carbon Nanotubes
- Fabrication of Oxide-Confined Collector-Up Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors
- Improvement of Hot-Electron Hardness in Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Devices by Combination of Gate Electrode Deposited Using Amorphous Si and Gate Oxide Grown in N_2O
- Effects of High-Density Oxygen Plasma Posttreatment on Field Emission Properties of Carbon Nanotube Field-Emission Displays
- Fabrication and Characterization of lateral Field Emission Device Based on Carbon Nanotubes
- Improvement of Field Emission Characteristics of Carbon Nanotubes by Excimer Laser Treatment
- Chemische und Chemotaxonomische Untersuchungen der Pterophyten. LXII. : Chemische Untersuchungen der Inhaltsstoffe von Arachniodes maximowiczii OHWI
- A Field-Emission Device with Novel Self-Focus Gate Structure
- High-Performance LTPS-TFTs Fabricated by Continuous Wave Laser Annealing
- Polarization Degradation and Breakdown of Pulse-Laser-Deposited (Pb,Sr)TiO_3 Films at Low Temperatures
- Field-Emission Properties of Aligned Carbon Nanotubes
- Fabrication and Characterization of Various Carbon-Clad Silicon Microtips with Ultra-Small Tip Radii
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミー(第70報)ウラジロキジノオ, タカサゴキジノオ, タイワンヤマソテツ, シマヤマソテツの成分について
- Charging Damages to Gate Oxides in a Helicon O_2 Plasma
- Antenna Charging Effects on the Electrical Characteristics of Polysilicon Gate during Electron Cyclotron Resonance Etching
- Effects of Polysilicon Electron Cyclotron Resonance Etching on Electrical Characteristics of Gate Oxides