National Tsing Hua Univ. Hsinchu Twn | 論文
- Chemical and Chemotaxonomical Studies of Ferns. LIV. Pterosin Derivatives of the Genus Microlepia (Pteridaceae)
- Chemische und Chemotaxonomische Untersuchungen der Pterophyten. XLIV. Chemische Untersuchungen der Inhaltsstoffe von Microlepia marginata (PANZER) C. CHR. (2)
- Chemische und Chemotaxonomische Untersuchungen von Filices. XL. Chemische Untersuchungen der Inhaltsstoffe von Microlepia marginata (PANZER) C. CHR.
- Analysis of the Immunomagnetic Adhesion of the Common Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Antigen-Carrying Cells
- Chemische und Chemotaxonomische Untersuchungen der Pterophyten. XLVIII. Uber die Zuckerester aus Plagiogyria euphlebia (KUNZE) METT. und Microlepia speluncae L.
- Chemische und Chemotaxonomische Untersuchungen der Pterophyten. L. Chemische Untersuchungen der Inhaltsstoffe von Plagiogyria matsumureana MAKINO
- Chemische und Chemotaxonomische Untersuchungen der Pterophyten. IL. Chemische Untersuchungen der Inhaltsstoffe von Plagiogyria euphlebia (KUNZE) METT.
- Chemical and Chemotaxonomical Studies of Filices. XLVII. Chemical Studies on the Constituents of Arachniodes nigrospinosa (CHING) CHING, A. festina (HANCE) CHING and A. mutica OHWI
- A Fully Integrated SiGe Optical Receiver Using Differential Active Miller Capacitor for 4.25Gb/s Fiber Channel Application
- A High Performance Photodetector Suitable for Visible Light and Near IR Applications
- Fabrication and Characterization of the Pd-Silicided Emitters for Field-Emission Devices
- Characterization and Fabrication of Chimney-Shaped Metal Field Emitters
- Fabrication and Characterization of Diamond-Clad Silicon Field Emitter Arrays
- Simulation of the Electrical Characteristics of Field Emission Triodes with Various Gate Structures
- A New Fabrication Technology for Field-Emission Triodes with Emitter-Gate Separation of 0.18 μm
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミー(第75報) : Dennstaedtia distenta MOOREの成分の化学的研究 その1
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミー(第74報) : ビロウドシダの新Flavanone配糖体について
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミー(第72報)Odontosoria gymnogrammoides CHRISTの成分の化学的研究
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミー(第69報)ヒメワラビの新規クマリン
- シダ類の化学とケモタキソノミー(第68報)セスキテルペン二量体Monachosorin類の分布とケモタキソノミー的意義