National Institute of Sericultural and Entomological Science | 論文
- J7 カイコ・セクロピン型抗菌タンパク質cDNAの単離(生理・生化学)
- A Taxonomic Study of Enchytraeus japonensis (Enchytraeidae, Oligochaeta) : Morphological and Biochemical Comparisons with E. bigeminus(Taxonomy)
- A219 ヒメツノカメムシ雌親の保護行動に対するJH処理の効果(動物行動学 行動生態学)
- Behavioral and electrophysiological responses of the soybean beetle, Anomala rufocuprea Motschulsky(Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae) to methyl anthranilate and its related compounds
- チャバネアオカメムシにおける幼若ホルモン(JHSB3)の構造決定と害虫管理への応用の可能性
- Structural Analysis of an Antibacterial Peptide Derived from a Nematode
- Sex pheromone of Acrolepiopsis nagaimo Yasuda (Lepidoptera:Acrolepiidae), a predominant leafminer on Chinese yam in Tottori Prefecture : identification and field attraction
- 施肥料を変えて栽培したクワ葉の各種植物病原糸状菌に対する感受性の変動
- 走査型電子顕微鏡によるカイコ幼虫囲食膜の観察
- 紫外線照射桑葉に生成されたモラシンCとNの同定
- Sex Pheromone of Statherotis discana (FELDER et ROGENHOFER) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), a Pest of Litchi Leaves: Identification and Field Attraction
- トレハラーゼ阻害剤バリドキシルアミン A のヨトウガ幼虫に及ぼす影響の NMR スペクトルによる解析
- 濃核病ウイルス1型非感受性蚕品種「大成」の育成
- 2面交雑による小節の遺伝分析
- Hexyl 2-Formyl-3-hydroxybenzoate, a Fungitoxic Cuticular Constituent of the Bulb Mite Rhizoglyphus robini(Organic Chemistry)
- Chemical Taxonomy of Economically Important Tyrophagus Mites (Acariformes, Acaridae)(Organic Chemistry)
- Phermone Study on Astigmait Mites : XXIII. Identification of the Alarm Pheromone on the Acarid Mite, Tyrophagus neiswanderi and Species Specificities of Alarm Pheromones among Four Species of the Same Genus
- The Alarm Pheromone of the Mite Suidasia medanemis OUDEMANS, 1924 (Acariformes, Suidasiidae)(Organic Chemistry)
- Secretion of Thrips. : IV. Identification of β-Acaridial from Three Gall-Forming Thrips (Thysanoptera : Phlaeothripidae)
- 2(E)-(4-Methyl-3-pentenyl)-butenedial, α-Acaridial, a Novel Monoterpene from the Acarid Mite Tyrophagus perniciosus(Acarina, Acaridae)(Organic Chemistry)