National Institute of Information and Communications Technology | 論文
- The Effects of Cropping Systems and Fallow Managements on Microarthropod Populations
- CENSREC-3: An Evaluation Framework for Japanese Speech Recognition in Real Car-Driving Environments(Speech and Hearing)
- A Design for a Collaborative Steering System of Microphone Array and Video Camera Toward Multi-Lingual Tele-Conference (特集 インタラクション技術の革新と実用化)
- A design of adaptive beamformer based on average speech spectrum for noisy speech recognition
- A Microphone Array-Based 3-D N-Best Search Method for Recognizing Multiple Sound Sources
- 3D N-best 探索法に基づく複数音源の位置推定と音声認識の統合
- 複数話者の音声認識における音源方向経路間距離を用いた3-D N-best探索法の評価
- Nonlinear Growth of Periodic Ripple Structures with Different Spatial Periods in Laser Etching of GaAs : Etching
- Nonlinear Growth of Periodic Ripple Structures with Different Spatial Periods in Laser Etching of GaAs
- Cataphoresis Phenomenon of Fluorescent Lamps with HF Electronic Ballasts
- Applying a Spray-jet Method for Measuring Naphthalene Derivatives by Nanosecond Laser MPI TOF-MS
- Thermophilic Alkaline Xylanase from Newly Isolated Alkaliphilic and Thermophilic Bacillus sp. Strain TAR-1
- Degradation of Human Hair by a Thermostable Alkaline Protease from Alkaliphilic Bacillus sp. No.AH-101
- Molecular Cloning, Nucleotide Sequence, and Expression of the Structural Gene for Alkaline Serine Protease from Alkaliphilic Bacillus sp.221
- B-5-134 双方向ページングを用いた MIRAI 実証システム : (1) 概要
- 固相反応法によるMn系磁性薄膜の優先配向制御
- Use of Multiple Documents as Evidence with Decreased Adding in a Japanese Question-answering System
- Characteristics of Low Level Jets over Okinawa in the Baiu and post-Baiu Seasons Revealed by Wind Profiler Observations
- 夜光雲: 地球上で最も高い雲
- Selective Dry Etching of AlGaAs-GaAs Heterojunction