National Institute Of Radiological Sciences | 論文
- 胸部X線CT画像における肺がん偽陽性陰影の削減 : 血管領域抽出による可変N-Quoit候補点の真偽判定
- 人体断面画像からの肺血管・気管支の3次元モデル構築手法
- 物体の3次元構造と認識の不確かさを考慮した胸部X線CT画像からの結節認識(次世代医用画像技術論文特集)
- Responses of total and quiescent cell populations in solid tumors to carbon ion beam irradiation (290 MeV/u) in vivo
- Evaluation of Late Radiation Damage of Normal Tissues in Mouse Hind Legs after Irradiation with Carbon Beams
- RBE and Dose Distribution of Heavy Ion Beams.
- Dose response relations in acute cell death of pancreatic islets after irradiation of golden hamster with X-ray ,7OMeV proton and 290MeV carbon beams.
- Morphological Evaluation of Normal Tissue Damage after Neon Beam Irradiation in Mouse Hind Legs
- The effects of cell death and mutatlon induction lrradiated with acceterated carbon ion beams with spread out Bragg peak.
- Microdosimetric Evaluation of Secondary Particles in a Phantom Produced by Carbon 290 MeV/nucleon Ions at HIMAC
- Development, Beam Characterization and Chromosomal Effectiveness of X-rays of RBC Characteristic X-ray Generator
- Precise Measurement of Range of Heavy Charged Particles
- LET spectra of HZE particle beams in a tissue-equivalent material
- Measurements of HIMAC Therapy Beam Qualities
- JENDL-4.0: A New Library for Nuclear Science and Engineering
- Extensive Study of the Soft-Rotator Model Hamiltonian Parameters for Medium and Heavy Even-Even Nuclei
- マランゴニ対流による気泡の移送実験
- 一様流中の弾性支持円柱における渦励振のシミュレーション(流体-構造連成問題の数値解析)
- ヒトリンパ芽球由来細胞における放射線適応応答の分子機構に関する研究
- An Experiment on Extrasensory Information Transfer with Electroencephalogram Measurement