National Institute Of Radiological Sciences | 論文
- Angular Distribution of Photoneutrons from Copper and Tungsten Targets Bombarded by 18, 28, and 38 MeV Electrons
- Evaluation of Neutron Nuclear Data on Bromine and Krypton Isotopes for JENDL-4.0
- Inhibitory effects on growing tumor cells by carbon ion irradiation and oral administration of methotrexate.
- Gene Silencing of Tead3 Abrogates Radiation-induced Adaptive Response in Cultured Mouse Limb Bud Cells
- 一方向凝固デンドライト成長の基礎理論
- Studies on the Metabolism of Some Chemical Species of Radioruthenium in the Rat I. Early Fate of Ingested Ruthenium
- Comparative Studies of ^Cs and ^Rb Turn-over in Man using a Double-tracer Method
- In Vivo Experiment on the Metabolism of Cesium in Human Blood with Reference to Rubidium and Potassium
- Cesium Turnover in Man following Single Administration of ^Cs 1. Whole Body Retention and Excretion Pattern
- Proton dosimetry intercomparison based on the ICRU protocol
- Experimental Study ot Heavy Ion Radialion using Monkcy and Phantom
- High energy electron observation by Polar Patrol Balloon flight in Antarctica
- Histological Changes in Interrenal Tissue of the Goldfish, Carassius : Histological Changes in Interrenal Tissue of the Goldfish, Carassius ouratus, following X-Irradiation*
- X線照射後の魚類卵巣の変化にあずかる生殖腺刺激ホルモンの役割(形態・内分泌)
- X線照射をうけたキンギョの生存期間に対する脳下垂体・頭腎除去の影響(発生・実験形態)
- 53 Strain-dependent mammary carcinogenicity of heavy ions in the rat(Radiation carcinogenesis, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Strain Differences and Effects of Scid-gene on the Genomic Instability in Radiation-induced Thymic Lymphomain Mice
- 検診用胸部X線CT像におけるActive Cylinder Modelを用いた肺野領域抽出法の改良(ポスターセッション)
- Active Cylinder Modelを用いた胸部X線CT像からの肺野領域の精密抽出
- X線CTを用いた肺がん診断支援システムにおける正常組織構造の抽出(肺CAD(2))(関連学会との共催によるバイオメディカルイメージング連合フォーラム)