National Agricultural Research Center For Western Region | 論文
- 寒地型牧草地における草地更新の有無とイノシシ(Sus scrofa L.)による採食被害の関係
- イノシシの餌に対する欲求行動に及ぼす視覚的遮断の影響(日本家畜管理学会・応用動物行動学会合同2010年度春季研究発表会)
- 設置ミスをした防除柵への侵入経験が修復後の柵に対するイノシシの行動に及ぼす影響(日本家畜管理学会・応用動物行動学会合同2010年度春季研究発表会)
- Characterization of neutral phosphate buffer extractable soil organic matter by electrophoresis and fractionation using ultrafiltration(Fertilizers and Soil Amendments)
- 幼齢イノシシにおける水泳行動(日本家畜管理学会・応用動物行動学会合同2009年度春季研究発表会)
- Hydraulic Conductance and Xylem Anatomy in Fruit Tree Shoots
- Highly Sensitive Real-Time PCR Assay for Quantification of Toxic Cyanobacteria Based on Microcystin Synthetase A Gene(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Characterization of soybean genome based on synteny analysis with Lotus japonicus
- Conversion of AFLP Markers Surrounding a QTL, rhg-tl, for Soybean Cyst Nematode Resistance into PCR-based Markers
- QTL Analysis of Resistance to Soybean Cyst Nematode Race 3 in Soybean Cultivar Toyomusume
- Male rescue maintains low frequency parthenogenesis-inducing Wolbachia infection in Trichogramma populations
- Impact of ω-5 Gliadin on Wheat-Dependent Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis in Mice
- 冬期の寒地型牧草地はイノシシ(Sus scrofa L.)の餌場となる
- Mathematical Description for Nodule Size Distribution, and Number, Weight, and Diameter of Nodules Deduced from a Theoretical Model of Photosynthate Competition among Nodules (Plant Nutrition)
- Molecular Markers Associated with β-conglycinin Deficiency in Soybean
- Contraction Motions of Stripe Domains in Bubble Films with In-Plane Magnetization Layers
- Contraction Motions of Stripe Domains in an As-Grown Bubble Film
- Characterization of an antibacterial substance produced by Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora Ecc 32
- Limonoids in Seeds of Iyo Tangor (Citrus iyo hort. ex Tanaka)
- Influence of Storage Temperature on the Polyamine Level and Ethylene Production in Broccoli (Brassica oleracea, Italica Group)