NTT Photonics Laboratories | 論文
- 30-nm-Gate InP-Based Lattice-Matched High Electron Mobility Transistors with 350 GHz Cutoff Frequency
- Improvement Recessed-Gate Structure for Sub-0.1-μm-Gate InP-Based High Electron Mobility Transistors
- Novel Gate-Recess Process for the Reduction of Parasitic Phenomena Due to Side-Etching in InAlAs/InGaAs HEMTs
- Techniques for Widening Lock and Pull-in Ranges and Suppressing Jitter in Clock and Data Recovery ICs : Duplicated Loop Control CDR
- Low-Power 2.5-Gb/s Si-Bipolar IC Chipset for Optical Receivers and Transmitters Using Low-Voltage and Adjustment-Free Circuit Techniques (Special Issue on Ultra-High-Speed IC and LSI Technology)
- Tunable Slow Light of 1.3μm Region in Quantum Dots at Room Temperature
- Fundamental oscillations at 〜900 GHz with low bias voltages in RTDs having spike-doped structures(Session 3A : Emerging Device Technology 2)
- Sub-Terahertz Resonant Tunneling Diode Oscillators with High Output Power (-200μW) Using Offset-Fed Slot Antenna and High Current Density
- Fundamental Oscillation of up to 831GHz in GaInAs/AlAs Resonant Tunneling Diode
- Quick Development of Multifunctional MMICs by Using Three-Dimensional Masterslice MMIC Technology (Special Issue on High-Frequency/speed Devices in the 21st Century)
- Fine CH_4 Absorption Observation by 3.3μm Difference-Frequency Generation in Quasi-Phase-Matched LiNbO_3 Ridge Waveguide Pumped by Fiber-Bragg-Grating Stabilized Single-Mode Laser Diode Module
- Widely Tunable and Highly Efficient 2.3-μm-Band Difference Frequency Generation in Direct-Bonded Quasi-Phase-Matched LiNbO_3 Ridge Waveguide
- Wavelength Conversion Using Quasi-Phase Matched LiNbO_3 Waveguides(Optical Signal-Processing Devices for Photonic Networks)
- Ultrafast All-Optical Serial-to-Parallel Conversion and Its Application to Optical Label Processing
- A Fully Monolithic Integrated 43-Gbit/s Clock and Data Recovery Circuit Using InAlAs/InGaAs/InP HEMTs
- Ruthenium-Doped Semi-Insulating InP-Buried InGaAlAs/InAlAs Multi-Quantum-Well Modulators
- Electrical Evaluation of Sidewall Damage Caused by CH_4/H_2 Reactive Ion Etching
- Fern Constituents : Six New Triterpenoid Alcohols from Adiantum capillus-veneris
- Fern Constituents : Adiantum cuneatum. III. Four New Triterpenoids, 4,23-Bisnor-3,4-secofilic-5(24)-en-3-al, 4,23-Bisnor-3,3-dimethoxy-3,4-secofilic-5(24)-ene, 7β, 25-Epoxyfern-9(11)-en-8α-ol and 7α, 8α-Epoxyfernan-25-ol
- Fern Constituents : Adiantum cuneatum. II. Six New Triterpenoids, Neohop-18-en-12α-ol, 13-Epineohop-18-en-12α-ol, Neohop-13(18)-en-19α-ol, Fern-7-en-25-ol, Fern-9(11)-en-25-ol, and Adian-5-en-25-ol