NTT LSI Laboratories | 論文
- High-Precision X-Ray Mask Technology : Lithography Technology
- Critical-Dimension Controllability of Chemically Amplified Resists for X-Ray Membrane Mask Fabrication
- Precise Delineation Characteristics of Advanced Electron Beam Mask Writer EB-X3 for Fabricating 1x X-Ray Masks
- X-Ray Mask Fabrication Using New Membrane Process Techniques
- 23aQE-3 Soft x-ray angle-resolved photoemission study of CeIrIn_5
- 21pYD-12 Bulk Fermi surface of optimally and overdoped La_Sr_xCuO_4 probed by soft x-ray angle-resolved photoemission(English Session of Division 5)
- Local Magnetic Susceptibility in Rare-Earth Compounds
- Carbon and Indium Codoping in GaAs for Reliable AlGaAs/GaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors
- Influence of Substrate Misorientation on Current Gain in AlGaAs/GaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors Grown by Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Influence of Substrate Misorientation on Carbon Incorporation in GaAs by Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Low-Temperature Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Growth of InGaAs for a Non-Alloyed Ohmic Contact to n-GaAs
- Cz法による紫外レーザー硝材用CaF2単結晶の作製
- アークおよびスカル溶融反応法で合成したペロブスカイト型CeGaO_3の結晶構造
- 希土類オルトアルミン酸塩のア-ク溶融法による合成
- Real-Time Feed-Forward Control LSIs for a Direct Wafer Exposure Electron Beam System
- Lateral-Solid Phase Epitaxial Growth of Single-Crystal Al(110) Films over Striped SiO_2 Patterns
- Growth of Single-Crystal Aluminum Films on Silicon Substrates by DC Magnetron Sputtering
- ArF Excimer Laser Projection Lithography Using Partially Achromatized Lens System : Lithography Technology
- ArF Excimer Laser Projection Lithography Using Partially Achromatized Lens System
- 周波数変調ΔΣAD変換器を用いたデジタルマイクロフォンセンサの可能性(センサデバイス,MEMS,一般)