Laboratory of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto Prefectural University | 論文
- Pseudomonas riboflavina の Phytophthora capsici 遊走子のう形成刺激の Viccillin による抑制(農学部門)
- カンキツ褐色腐敗病ならびに緑かび病の病徴進展機作の比較(農学部門)
- Phytophthora capsici LEON. の遊走子のう形成機構研究のための抗生物質の利用(農学部門)
- Pseudomonas sp. による Phytophthora capsici LEON. の遊走子のう形成刺戟(農学部門)
- Phytophthora capsici LEON. の遊走子のう形成に対する riboflavin の促進効果と光によるその抑制(農学部門)
- 栄養欠乏状態における Phytophthora capsici LEON. の菌糸生長と遊走子のうの形成(予報)(農学部門)
- Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae の非病原性レースならびに他の数種非病原菌に対するタバコカルスの抵抗性の不発現について(農学部門)
- Identification of a H^+/Glucose and Galactose Symporter Gene glt from Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae
- Stabilization of Cauliflower Mosaic Virus P3 Tetramer by Covalent Linkage
- Cauliflower Mosaic Virus ORF III Product Forms a Tetramer In Planta:Its Implication in Viral DNA Folding during Encapsidation
- Requirement of Cauliflower Mosaic Virus Open Reading Frame VI Product for Viral Gene Expression and Multiplication in Turnip Protoplasts
- Evidence for a Dual Strategy in the Expression of Cauliflower Mosaic Virus Open Reading Frames I and IV
- Accumulation Kinetics of Viral Gene Products in Cauliflower MOsaic Virus-Infected Turnip Protoplasts
- Hpa1 secretion via type III secretion system in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae
- Expression of Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzae hrp Genes in XOM2,a Novel Synthetic Medium
- Laccase Gene LAC1 of Colletotrichum lagenarium Is Not Essential for Melanin Biosynthesis and Pathogenicity
- Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation for random insertional mutagenesis in Colletotrichum lagenarium
- Expression pattern of melanin biosynthesis enzymes during infectious morphogenesis of Colletotrichum lagenarium
- 数種特異的阻害剤による Phytophthora capsici の無性的分化過程の代謝依存性の推察(農学部門)