Kyushu Institute of Technology | 論文
- 1P1-E06 サービスロボットにおけるリスクアセスメントと保護方策に関する試み
- 2A1-J17 メカトロニクス研究教育支援設備"RoboCity"の開発(ものづくり教育・メカトロニクスで遊ぶ)
- Special Section on Information Theory and Its Applications
- 2P1-J15 ロボカップサッカー中型リーグにおける安全制度導入に関する検討(ロボカップ・ロボットコンテスト)
- Integrated Development Environment for Knowledge-Based Systems and Its Practical Application(Knowledge Engineering and Robotics)(Knowledge-Based Software Engineering)
- Experimental Study on Machining Characteristics due to Tool Path Patterns in Small-size Ball End Milling(Analytical advancement of machining process)
- Analysis of Capsule Pipeline System by the Method of Characteristics : Numerical Analysis and Comparison with Transport Experiment
- Diffusion of a Dusty Gas : Part 1,The Velocity Distribution of Turbulent Jet
- Feed Rate of a Rotary Feeder
- Turbulent Friction Drag of a Dusty Gas : Part 1,Theoretical Study
- A Matching Method of 2-Dimesional Projected Attractor of Chaos such as Biomedical Phenomenon
- 2P-058 未構造タンパク質の機能と進化的特性の解析(蛋白質・構造機能相関(2),第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- A Case Study of Requirements Elicitation Process with Changes
- Project Management Patterns to Prevent Schedule Delay Caused by Requirement Elicitation
- On embedding of classical substructural logics(Theory of Rewriting Systems and Its Applications)
- New Simultaneous Timing and Frequency Synchronization Utilizing Matched Filters for OFDM Systems(Papers Selected from the 21st Symposium on Signal Processing)
- Elongational Viscosity and Secondary Instability of Laminar Boundary Layer
- J0802-3-5 リチウムイオンキャパシタの放熱特性の数値シミュレーション([J0802-3]SOFC(2))
- On the Publication of The 20th Anniversary Special Issue(Contribution to 21 Century Intelligent Technologies and Bioinformatics)
- Nonlinear Adaptive Manifold Self-Organizing Map with Reproducing Kernels and its Application to Pose Invariant Face Recognition