Kyoto University of education | 論文
- 学業不振児の研究 : Under-AchieverとOver-Achieverの比較
- 学力の地域差を規定する諸要因の研究
- 506, 507 学力の地域差を規定する諸要因の研究 (日本教育心理学会第4回総会部門別研究発表要旨・討論の概要 : 13. 学習環境と学力)
- 学力の地域差の要因分析-中間報告 : III 教科成績と知能因子との関係
- 教師の精神的環境に関する教育心理学的研究(II) : 現代教師の不満と悩み(第2報告)
- 28p-YJ-1 Reaction Mechanism of 6^Li Scattering at 600 MeV
- Antibacterial Agents that Inhibit Histidine Protein Kinase YycG of Bacillus subtilis(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- Chemistry of Zerumbone. 2. Regulation of Ring Bond Cleavage and Unique Antibacterial Activities of Zerumbone Derivatives(Organic Chemistry)
- Facile Syntheses of ^C-2-Butenedinitrile and Regiospecifically Labeled ^C,^N-Pyrido xines
- Kinetics of Thermostable Alanine Racemase of Bacillus stearothermophilus
- A Facile Synthesis of ε-Pyridoxinyl-L-lysines
- Dispersion Property of Thin Alkali Iodide Crystals Observed with Interference Method
- Assessing the Hierarchical Structure of L2 Mental Lexicon : An Analysis of Categorical and Non-categorical Word Association
- 日本人英語学習者のメンタルレキシコンを探る : 語彙サイズと連想量を手がかりに
- メタファーで学ぶ発想の違い : 認知言語学の観点から
- 18pPSB-33 Crystal structure, magnetic properties and pressure investigation of Ce_2PdGe_6
- 24aTA-5 Crystal Growth and Magnetic Properties of Ce_2Ni_3Ge_5
- Magnetic Criticality and Unconventional Superconductivity in CeCoIn_5 : Study of ^In-Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance under Pressure(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- 22pPSA-73 Shubnikov-de Haas effect in UP_2
- 23pPSB-30 Shubnikov-de Haas effect and two-dimensional Fermi surfaces in UP_2