Kyoto Sangyo University | 論文
- Atharvaveda-Parisista 50-57章について : Kurmavibhagaを中心に
- 低価格高分解能PET製作を目的としたガンマ線イメージャ
- Lane-Batesのゼロシート法に基づいた新しい数学的手法による画像修復(セッション4)
- Current Trends in Language Teaching
- メタ認知重視の学習ストラテジー指導(「国際語」としての英語-その教育目標と基準-)
- 学習ストラテジー・トレーニングを取り入れた英語教育を考える(「国家戦略」としての外国語教育-そのあるべき姿を求めて-)
- Evidence of Weak Decay of Heavy Double Hypernuclei
- An Analysis of Typhoon 9807 (Vicki) Based on Surface Meteorological Records Obtained from Fire Stations
- Development of a new disinfectant with very strong anti-influenza viral activity : a preliminary report
- Low-Level Tradeoffs between Cross And Alternation(Algorithms : Mathematical Foundations and Applications)
- 14. Comparison of boody temperature at rest in 30℃ among difference phases of menstrual cycle
- 127. Studies on Physique and body composition of female athletes
- 83. Studies on mechanism of destruction of erythrocytes during running
- 67. Effect of different ambient temperatures on rectal temperature during exercise, oxygen implicit and oxygen debt of women
- L2 Listening/Fast-Reading Skills Developed by Using DVD Movies in the Classroom('National Policy' for Foreign Language Education : Searching for the Ideal)
- Learning to Write Through Reading: An Experiment
- SOREN NO KOKUMIN KEIZAI [THE SOVIET NATIONAL ECONOMY], By Akira Shigemitsu, Tokyo : Toyo Keizai Shinpou sha, 1989,viii+235pp., \4,000
- 1-E-2 Online Chasing Problems for Regular n-Gons
- Exponential Speedup by Vector Operations
- Growth and Habit Formation: the case of endogenous technical change(Mathematical Economics)