Korea University | 論文
- Utilizing the Web for Automatic Word Spacing
- Effects of Seasoning and Heating Device on Mutagenicity and Heterocyclic Amines in Cooked Beef(Food & Nutrition Science)
- 6-bit 1.6-GS/s 85-mW Flash Analog to Digital Converter Using Symmetric Three-Input Comparator
- An X-Band Microstrip Phase Shifter Using an Electromagnetic Bandgap Backplane(Devices/Circuits for Communications)
- The Generator of the Solution Semigroup for the General Linear Functional Differential Equation
- The Effect of Patient's Asymmetric Information Problem on Medical Care Utilization with Consideration of a Patient's Ex-ante Health Status
- 2P8-5 超臨界CO_2と超音波を用いた汚泥からの金属抽出(ポスターセッション)
- 2-09-04 超臨界二酸化炭素と超音波による土壌からのディーゼル燃料汚染の除去(強力超音波)
- Traffic Light Detection Using Rotated Principal Component Analysis for Video-Based Car Navigation System
- 0608 マイクロ流体システムによる肝細胞-血管内皮細胞相互作用の解析(GS6:細胞と微小組織)
- Simple Weighting Techniques for Query Expansion in Biomedical Document Retrieval(Contents Technology and Web Information Systems)
- Suppression of Edge Effects Based on Analytic Model for Leakage Current Reduction of Sub-40nm DRAM Device
- ID-Based Authenticated Group Key Agreement Secure against Insider Attacks
- Enhancing Resiliency of Networks : Evolving Strategy vs. Multihoming
- P2-16 Rock Property Evaluation Using Wavelet Transform Analysis(Poster session 2)
- Spikes and pass-through of global grain prices on the Korean agricultural and food markets (世界的食料価格変動と日本農業--2009年度[日本農業経済学会]大会討論会報告) -- (日中韓農業経済学会共同シンポジウム)
- Anti-Limit Pricing
- A Waveguide Switch Design Using Electromagnetic Bandgap Substrates(Component & Antenna)
- Obesity paradox in Korean patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
- Analysis of the Rate-Based Channel Access Prioritization for Drive-Thru Applications in the IEEE 802.11p WAVE