Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials | 論文
- はち毒を使用した經穴刺激は,ホルマリンによって引き起こされるラットの痛覚行動と脊髄でのFos発現を減少させる
- ハチ毒の前投与は, カラゲナンによって誘導される炎症において抗侵害受容効果及び抗炎症作用を示す
- モンゴルアレチネズミ(Mongolian Gebil)の大脳虚血後の海馬におけるparvalbumin免疫活性とFos発現に対するdizocilpine前処置の効果
- Variant Selection in Mechanically-induced Martensitic Transformation of Metastable Austenitic Steel
- Evaluation of Dislocation Density from the Flow Curves of Hot Deformed Austenite
- FEM Modeling of Flow Curves for Ferrite/Pearlite Two-Phase Steels
- A multi-nozzle nanofiber generating system with various auxiliary electrodes(2A1 Micro & Nano Biomechanics IV)
- Plastic strain due to isothermal transformation from austenite to ferrite in IF and low carbon steels
- Orientation Distribution of Proeutectoid Ferrite Nucleated at Prior Austenite Grain Boundaries in Vanadium-added Steel
- トラソプエレメトを含有する低炭素TRIP型冷延鋼板の機械的性質
- Lithium Storage Properties of Ball Milled Ni-57mass%Sn Alloy
- Serration of Grain Boundary in Ni-30Fe Alloy through High Temperature Deformation
- Dynamic Restoration Process of Ni-30Fe alloy during Hot Deformation
- Dynamic Restoration Process of Ni-30Fe Alloy during Hot Deformation
- Research Trends for Mechanical Characterization of MEMS Materials in Korea : Research Needs and New Developments
- Calculation of Transformation Plasticity during Coherent Transformation of Steel
- Peripheral bee venom's anti-inflammatory effect involves activation of the coeruleospinal pathway and sympathetic preganglionic neurons
- Analytical Characterization of Al Matrix Composites Reinforced with 3D Orthogonal Carbon Tetxile Preforms
- D29 Parallelism Measurement of the slide axis with respect to the spindle axis of a diamond turning machine(Nano/micro measurement and intelligent instruments)
- Variant Selection in Mechanically-induced Martensitic Transformation of Metastable Austenitic Steel