Keio Univ. Yokohama‐shi Jpn | 論文
- Design of M-Channel Perfect Reconstruction Filter Banks with IIR-FIR Hybrid Building Blocks(Digital Signal Processing)
- 分散映像符号化のための領域解析に基づく超解像度復元法(ネットワークプロセッサ,通信のための信号処理,無線LAN/PAN,一般)
- 分散映像符号化のための領域解析に基づく超解像度復元法(ネットワークプロセッサ,通信のための信号処理,無線LAN/PAN,一般)
- Regulations for the Product Distribution of the Oxidative Coupling of ρ-Cresol by Cyclodextrins
- 和文古文書画像からの高速単語検索アルゴリズム(テーマセッション,文字・文書の認識と理解)
- Pipeline Repeater for Wireless Homelink
- Intra-Vehicle Wireless 1394 System(Wireless Communications Issue)
- SB-11-3 BER Performance Evaluation of POCA-NAZU Fading for Broadband Wireless Home Network
- A Method for Measuring Dielectric Constants of Low-Loss Materials by Forced Resonance
- An FPGA-Based Acceleration Method for Metabolic Simulation(Recornfigurable Systems)(Reconfigurable Systems)
- Face Image Recognition by 2-Dimensional Discrete Walsh Transform and Multi-Layer Neural Network(Source Coding/Imge Processing)(Information Theory and Its Applications)
- Phase Rotation for Constructing Uniform Frequency Spectrum in IFDMA Communication
- Relay Method of Sending Soft Decision Symbol Based on the Result of Error Detecting Code in Cooperative Communication(OFDM/Relay, Wideband Systems)
- Analysis of Performance Degradation due to Channel Estimation Error in Pre-Rake TDD/CDMA(Wireless Communication Technologies)
- Trellis Coded Hybrid 2FSK/4PSK with Expurgated Phase Code
- Low Complexity Resource Allocation Algorithm by Multiple Attribute Weighing and User Ranking for OFDMA Systems(Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment for Communications)
- A Retargetable Compiler Based on Graph Representation for Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor Arrays
- Preparation of Amino-Terminal Half-Molecule of Ovotransferrin by Tryptic Digestion of Intact Molecule Selectively Saturated with Al (III) at the N-Lobe
- Data Multicasting Procedure for Increasing Configuration Speed of Coarse Grain Reconfigurable Devices(Computer Systems)
- 超解像を利用したDVCにおける符号化効率の改善(ネットワークプロセッサ,通信のための信号処理,無線LAN/PAN,一般)