Institute of Genetic Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University | 論文
- Reduced rice grain production under high-temperature stress closely correlates with ATP shortage during seed development
- Genetic mechanism for transortation and accumulation of rice glutelin in protein body
- カイコ体液の主要エステラーゼの精製とその性質
- キサンチン酸化酵素の注射によるoq, ogおよびog^t 油蚕の妊性の回復
- カイコ体液から糖鎖を有するキモトリプシンインヒビターの分離とその性質
- カイコ体液の新規エステラーゼ
- カイコ体液キモトリプシンインヒビターCI-3およびCI-4の遺伝分析
- Reduced rice grain production under high-temperature stress closely correlates with ATP shortage during seed development
- カイコ矮小卵における卵細胞質のサイズが次代の幼虫発育におよぼす影響
- カイコ卵殻形質突然変異"低温誘発灰色卵"の遺伝と形質
- イネ突然変異系統における葉身の気孔開度の差異と遺伝
- Purification of Protein Body-I of Rice Seed and its Polypeptide Composition
- Studies on the Trisomics in Rice Plants (Oryza sativa L.) VII. Some Marker Genes Located on Chromosome 2 and Their Sequence on the Linkage Map
- Linkage Studies in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) On Some Virescent and Chlorina Mutants
- Linkage Studies in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) On Some Mutants for Physiological Leaf Spots
- Genetic mechanism of the transportation and accumulation of rice glutelin using the mutagenesis
- Mutation of seed storage protein of rice
- Silkworm Midgut Proteins Interacting with a Hemolymph Protease Inhibitor, CI-8
- The Action of Rice Branching Enzyme I (BEI) on Starches
- A Novel Cell-Free Translation/Glycosylation System Prepared from Insect Cells