Inland Station, National Research Institute of Aquaculture | 論文
- 天然ヒラメにおける貧血症の血液学的特性
- アコヤガイ赤変病原因体の存在部位
- Profiles in growth, smoltification, immune function and swimming performance of 1-year-old masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou masou reared in water flow
- ニジマス体表から脾臓・腎臓への蛍光ビーズの運搬
- ピペロニルブトキシド処理ブリにおけるオキソリン酸血中濃度
- 単生類ネオヘテロボツリウムの攻撃試験によって生じたヒラメの貧血
- Identification and characterization of multiple lck genes in ginbuna crucian carp Carassius auratus langsdorfii
- Production of Androgenetic Diploids in Amago Salmon Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae
- 卵消毒によるアユ冷水病の垂直伝播防止
- アユからの Flavobacterium psychrophilum 分離用培地へのトブラマイシン添加効果
- Nutrient digestibility values of a test diet determined by manual feeding and self-feeding in rainbow trout and common carp
- Neoheterobothrium hirame に応答するヒラメ白血球の同定
- 実験的に作出した失血性貧血ヒラメの血液性状
- Two genetically Divergent Groups in the Japanese Spined Loach, Cobitis takatsuensis, and Their Phylogenetic Relationships among Japanese Cobitis Inferred from Mitochondrial DNA Analyses(Phylogeny)
- Nonylphenol induces complete feminization of the gonad in genetically controlled all-male amago salmon
- ヒラメの単生類 Neoheterobothrium hirame の卵に及ぼす温度, 塩分濃度, 塩素処理の影響
- 養殖トラヴグの“口白症”病原体の分離
- Influence of decreasing water temperature and shortening of the light phase on macronutrient self-selection by rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and common carp Cyprinus carpio
- Urilization of Malt Protein Flour in Fingerling Carp Diets
- Combinational Use of Malt Protein Flour and Soybean Meal as Alternative Protein Sources of Fish Meal in Fingerling Rainbow Trout Diets