High energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) | 論文
- Physics of Neutrinos( Frontiers of Elementary Particle Physics, the Standard Model and Beyond)
- Hypernucleus Productions and Nuclear Short Range Correlations : Nuclear Physics
- A Study of s-Shell Hypernuclei Based on the Realistic NN and ΛN Interactions : Nuclear Physics
- Novel Magnetic Domain Structure in Iron Meteorite Induced by the Presence of L1_0-FeNi
- Scintillating Track Image Camera-SCITIC
- LHCの現場より(実験観測に基づく統一描像の構築,研究報告会)
- Low-pT ψ′ Production due to Color-Octet Mechanism (地域スク-ル報告 13th Sanyo Summer Institute(第13回SSI)--第13回山陽夏の学校)
- Electron microscopy observation of interface in diffusion-bonded copper joint
- Atom-Nucleus Hybrid State of ^9_ΣBe
- Clustering in Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter in Low-Density Region
- Induction Voltage Modulator for Acceleration System of Intense Ion Beams
- Voltage Modulation and Repetitive Operation of Induction Accelerator Unit
- Theory of One-Dimensional Hopping Conductivity : Three-Site Approximation of the PPM
- Heterogeneous Deformation Behavior Studied by in Situ Neutron Diffraction during Tensile Deformation for Ferrite, Martensite and Pearlite Steels
- Cluster Structures in Oxygen Isotopes(Nuclear Physics)
- Σ-Hypernuclear Responses in ^4He(In-Flight K^-,π) Spectra
- Dynamic Aperture for High-Brilliance Optics of the Photon Factory Storage Ring
- Bunch Length Monitor Using Two-Frequency Analysis for RF Gun System
- Generalized Gauge Theories and Weinberg-Salam Model with Dirac-Kaehler Fermions (場の量子論の基礎的諸問題と応用)
- Matter Dependence of the String Susceptibility Exponent in Four-Dimensional Simplicial Quantum Gravity