High energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) | 論文
- Phase Structure of Four-Dimensional Simplicial Quantum Gravity with a U(1)Gauge Field
- Scaling Behavior in 4D Simplicial Quantum Gravity : Particles and Fields
- Experimental Results of Laser Wakefield Acceleration Using a Femtosecond Terawatt Laser Pulse
- Comments on Quantum Aspects of Three-Dimensional de Sitter Gravity(Quantum Field Theories: Fundamental Problems and Applications)
- 626 Characteristics of Diffusion Bonding Joints of Copper using Argon Ion Bombardment Treatment
- Gaussian Expansion Analysis of a Matrix Model with the Spontaneous Breakdown of Rotational Symmetry(Particles and Fields)
- Chiral Anomaly and Ginsparg-Wilson Relation on the Noncommutative Torus
- Numerical Analysis of the Measurement of Near-Beam Electron Cloud Density in Field-Free Region at KEK B-Factory Low-Energy Ring
- Study of Light Kaonic Nuclei with a Chiral SU(3)-Based K^^-N Interaction(Kaons in nuclei, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-)
- Dense K^^- Nuclei and Their Excited States(Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Nuclear Matter under Extreme Conditions)
- Properties of Nuclear K^^- Bound States
- Ferromagnetic Resonance in Evaporated Co Films
- Nucleon-Nucleon Potential and Its Non-Locality in Lattice QCD(Nuclear Physics)
- Precision Study of B*Bπ Coupling for the Static Heavy-Light Meson(Particles and Fields)
- IIB Matrix Model
- Branched Polymers Revisited
- Space-Time Structures from IIB Matrix Model
- Precision Measurements of Little Higgs Parameters at the International Linear Collider(16th YKIS Conference Progress in Particle Physics 2008)
- Impedance Estimations from Bunch Lengthening in the Pohang Light Source
- Hydrodynamical Study of Neutrino-Driven Wind as an r-Process Site